View Full Version : not feeling hungry pls help

19-07-11, 16:42
hi i am new and just joined today, i thought i was ill couple of weeks ago and have been to hospital had all the heart and blood checks couldn't believe that i had panic attacks due to always being strong minded, although when i am stressed it is always kept to myself in which in time has caught up with me and my stressed has caused these panics, i am learning slowly but surely each day that it is a panic attack and nothing bad is going to happen to me, it happens worse when i am hot and clammy , i hate that feeling like i can't breath so then i panic, also i have not felt hungry in such a long time :( i long to feel like something to eat again, is this due to all the stress and the stress off panics and realising i have panics now? a new way of life ? will i feel hungry again ? i feel weak in the mornings which makes me panic more i need to eat to feel strong to deal with the panics better but what can i do if i don't feel hungry? is anyone else this way ??? i have been trying to eat little bits but then i panic that i'll get a sick feeling so then i can't eat , i am drinking complan but i can't live off that forever :( last night i ate a little and had complan , slept well but woke feeling weak which made me panic , do i just need time to build up again. please could someone help and advise me ... thank you ..... :) ps a little tip for if you get that sick feeling , get a pint of water two desert spoons of sugar, an dab a little salt on your finger place on your tongue and drink couple mouth fulls of your sugar water , sounds horrible but works ... doctors advice x

19-07-11, 16:44
Hi jenkins

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-07-11, 16:54
Jenkins, I haven't been hungry in a few days either. I force myself to eat and I do feel a bit nausea as I am eating. I stuck to crackers and water for a few days - i"m actually trying an apple right now (slowly). My mind didn't want food but I knew my stomach did. I can only say is to try and eat something. What is the worst thing to happen. You throw it up? I was reading the "sticky" on the citalpram forum "guide to citalopram" and I found some very good advice that can apply to anyone. Check it out.

19-07-11, 16:56
Hi jenkins,

Welcome to the site!

Sorry to hear you feel so awful. I dropped half a stone in a week because I like you couldn't eat & when I did it was fruit (grapes mainly)!!! You will get your appetite back, but when you have your good moments try & eat bits as low blood sugar will make you feel rubbish as well.

Emily xxx