View Full Version : Not sure were to post this so ill post it here...

19-07-11, 17:18
This is not about anxiety BUT is about my weight.
http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=97387 this thread address the issue but now im finding its hard to get my size 10 jeans on. everytime i eat i get angry with my self and think- i shouldnt of ate that. I seriosluy want to live on nothing until i loose a stone but i know how unhealthly that is. I have a hard time doing exercise due to bullying issues which is a long story but im just really down and upset.

19-07-11, 17:58
Hi emma,

I have problems with my weight to, size 10 is a good and healthy weight for our age. I know how you feel about feeling bad and angry when you eat because i feel the same, it got so bad once i didnt eat for a week, resulting in me becoming really ill, so please dont do that. Also i know what you mean about the bullying, i find it hard to excercise because of these reasons to, i dont know whether they are the same, but i do know that my reasons are due to bullying. You have me on facebook, so please don't worry about a thing about your weight, your very healthy :) If you need to talk im always here. xx