View Full Version : Citalopram - Suicidal Thoughts

19-07-11, 21:23
Hi all

I am new to the forum, well as a member, I have been looking on here quite a lot for weeks but have only just joined. Anyway, hello everyone.

I have been on Citalopram approximately 3 months. I started on 10mgs as is usual, then upped to 20mgs and then when things didn't seem to be getting better the dose was upped by GP to 30mgs about 3/4 weeks ago.

However, in the last 3/4 weeks I have been having suicidal thoughts. Now I am aware that this could be a side effect of the med or just be my own state of mind. I am prescribed Citalopram for anxiety and depression, both of which seem to have signficantly improved since taking the med.

The worry that I have this evening is that after telling my GP today about these thoughts in the last few weeks the dr has decided to reduce my dose from 30mg to 20mg as she feels that it may be a side effect.

What I want to ask is other people's experience in regard to these thoughts as a side effect and what their dr suggested.

I am worried about reducing my dose as I know before 30mgs I was struggling significantly with anxiety and I really don't think I can face this coming back. I know I should have been more forceful with my GP today and have been beating myself up about it all day, I am not usually so accepting but I just didn't know if this is a usual response, to reduce meds or if a different action could be taken.

Any help or advice would be much appreciated. :)

T xxx

20-07-11, 16:21
Hi Pink Girl,

I think your doctor is acting only in your best interests. I would say that if you are having these thoughts on this drug then it's possibly not the right drug for you. Would you really want to stay on a drug that is making you think this way? I know I wouldn't...

I used to take citalopram several years ago and found that it worked for me, apart from the sleep disruption, so everybody is different.

Maybe being on 20mg for a longer period will be of benefit?

Good luck.

21-07-11, 02:20
From a GP's perspective, suicidal thoughts are always going to require immediate action and are more important than anxiety issues, hence your GP will suggest whatever they think can help this. You may find that a reduced dose works a lot better.

Suicidal thoughts were a recurring problem when I was on Citalopram, when I was switched to another medication I went from 40mg to 20mg Citalopram first and quite quickly felt much better, like a fog had been lifted from my mind.

So try not to worry too much because a decreased dose is more about finding the right level for you than meaning it is going to be less effective.

21-07-11, 07:37
Antidepressants can work both ways, they can cause depression in some people. Please tell your GP, is it out of character for you to have suicdle thoughts?

21-07-11, 21:56
Thanks guys for the responses

I think you are all right and I was freaking out a bit too much over the dose being reduced. I am going to do this over the weekend so that if there is a significant change that happens when I am not at work.

I haven't had any of these thoughts in the last few days so hopefully it was just a little blip. But gonna try the med reduction and see if that helps.

My worry over the anxiety increasing is that I only went back to work 2 weeks ago after 4 months off and I am just so scared of being anxious at work or having a panic attack. My job is not the kind that this would be accepted in and I can't afford to behave in this manner at work.

I guess I will just have to see how it goes and keep an eye on things.