View Full Version : hi my name is kimmy

19-07-11, 22:02
Hi there, my name is kimmy and i'm here because i don't feel i have anyone else to turn to. I am 19 years old, i have a 2 year old daughter and i suffer from anxiety and depression. I feel like i'm at my limit with my life. I am on 40mg citalopram and have been for 6 months but i felt like they were making me a different person so without advising my doctor who supports citalopram to the fullest, for the last week i've been in hell coming off them. i think i am at my worst ive ever been. my family cant stand me, i have no confidence and i cant enjoy myself anymore. I havent had a night in ages where i could get to sleep without getting myself in a state about my worries. perhapsmy message was too detailed for an introduction so i apologise but hi there.

paula lynne
19-07-11, 22:06
Hi there Kimmi welcome to a great, friendly forum. Youre not alone. There is a Citalopram thread, check it out using the search facility. Nice to know you x:welcome:

19-07-11, 22:06
Hi kimmidoll

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-07-11, 22:09
Welcome Kimmy!

I know citalopram may make you feel not yourself. Sorry about that. I am right now in the same boat but trying to get going on them. Just 5 days now. I was on cit for awhile a felt good.

However, if you do feel you didn't want to be on them, I would suggest talking to your dr again and getting a slow withdrawal regimen. Perhaps this is what you are doing, but if not, slower is better. Maybe not what you want but probably better than this feeling you have now.

As I said, I am going back on cit right now, but I had come off in December thinking I was "better". My doctor had me do a slow withdrawal. Worked fine and I didn't feel crazed or lost sleep. I'm kicking myself now for ever coming off them as they worked for me.


19-07-11, 23:31
:welcome: kimmidoll you will make good friends here and get lots of support.

20-07-11, 00:01
:welcome: to NMP Kimmi, I hope you find all the help you need here and make some good friends along the way ::smile:

20-07-11, 00:04
Hi Kimmy

Sorry to hear the Citalopram isn't working out for you. If you can talk to your doctor it would probably be a good idea as he/she may be able to offer other support such as counselling and as Lisa said, offer a proper withdrawal programme. They may also be able to suggest alternative medication if you want to try something else.


20-07-11, 00:09
Hi there, my name is kimmy and i'm here because i don't feel i have anyone else to turn to. I am 19 years old, i have a 2 year old daughter and i suffer from anxiety and depression. I feel like i'm at my limit with my life. I am on 40mg citalopram and have been for 6 months but i felt like they were making me a different person so without advising my doctor who supports citalopram to the fullest, for the last week i've been in hell coming off them. i think i am at my worst ive ever been. my family cant stand me, i have no confidence and i cant enjoy myself anymore. I havent had a night in ages where i could get to sleep without getting myself in a state about my worries. perhapsmy message was too detailed for an introduction so i apologise but hi there.

Hi Kimmy,
I know how you feel.
I am suffering so bad and have no-one anymore i can turn to.
I always suffered with small panic attacks but now it is so bad its been on going for over a year now and dont seem to be going yet. Its here 24/7 no breaks. I used to be out going, now since this i seem to shut myself away as no-one i know has suffered with panic attacks and think your just being stupid. I feel so scared everyday and feel so alone. Thats why i found this site to see if anyone is suffering same symptoms as me and can help each other xx

20-07-11, 10:18
Hi Kimmy
welcome. I hope NMP helps you there is lots of information on here, and sharing helps..just knowing you are not alone.