View Full Version : Here it comes again!

02-05-06, 09:07

Does anyone else sometimes have a period where they feel okay and the anxiety seems to have disappeared and then all of a sudden from nowhere, it comes back really 'full on'? Sometimes, I feel like I have really conquered it and taken massive steps forward then BANG, it's back again! This seems to be my pattern and I get so disappointed and cross with myself when it comes back and I go into that negative cycle again.

I know it's partly my fault because when I feel well I tend to stop doing all the 'good things' ie exercise, eating well, relaxation tapes etc. and think I'm fine, I've conquered it! I suppose it'a all part of accepting I have this anxiety and will always have it and the way to get better and to manage it is to look after ourselves. It's just when it's not there, I want to do everything as I feel so good compared to feeling anxious and worried about everything!

It's so good to be able to read what people say and to know that we're not alone in our suffering.

Love, light and hope.
Clarky xx

marie ross
02-05-06, 09:20
Hi clarky, thats exactly what i'm going through at the moment, after weeks and weeks of exercising, eating properly and even giving up the booze, i felt fantastic and even managed to drop a dress size which in turn gave me more confidence. Because i was feeling so good, i started having the odd drink again, and stopped exercising and just like that i'm back to square one. It got that bad that on monday, in the middle of a busy DIY store i started shaking and really felt like i was going to pass out, i just shouted out to my partner that i want to go home NOW, i got a few stange looks but we just had to leave everything and literally run out the shop, i was chucking women and kids behind to get out!!!! I know i can feel good again, because i've done it before, its just so frustrating when you have one little relapse and you have to go through it all again, but if the feelings of feelling 'normal' get longer and longer then thats a good thing.
Take care, it is good to read other peoples stories, i'm so glad i found this site.
Marie X

02-05-06, 17:05
Hi Clarky

God I though that was me writing that post - eveything you said is exactly what I go through, I'm letting things slip too! I guess your right and we do have to take proper care of ourselves ALL the time and not just when we are feeling crap!

Take Care

Love Pinky

02-05-06, 17:14
I know how you feel!

I have been eating right, doing yoga, and have not stopped or cheated on my diet.. and out of the blue boom.. full panic. I was doing so good too!

We just have to keep trying harder.

02-05-06, 17:15

thanks for your replies - it's sooo good to hear that other people stop doing the 'good' things when they feel okay. I know what i should do but somehow can't seem to get round to doing it! I'm supposed to be going to the gym now but am on the site instead. I am going to the gym!!! Speak to you later.


02-05-06, 17:23
We've all been there, and I'm the worse one for letting things slide when I start to feel better, but I think perhaps we all need to accept that these lifestyle changes have to permanent; like forever!!

Marie, I do the same; cut out the booze and fags, eat well etc and as soon as it starts working I'll celebrate with a few glasses of vino!! Uh-oh, baaaddd idea.

Clarky, please imagine this as a short blip, NOT going back to square one.

Shiv x

02-05-06, 19:09
Hi again

Thanks Shiv for your message. It makes feel better to know that other people slip as well. I beat myself up when I do which makes me feel even worse!

Yes, I'll try to persuade myself it is a blip and not a return to square 1!

Thanks again x

03-05-06, 20:24
Yeah, it's frustrating. I think after a while you do learn how to deal with the attacks better though. I mainly get them at work as it can be quite stressful there, hardly get them outside work though which I always used to so that's a step forward. Negative thinking can quickly send you into a panic so it's important to conquer these if you can.

05-05-06, 13:56
Yeah, that happened to me once a few months ago, I was with a friend in the town and out of nowhere - BANG - and I haven't been able to recover fully since then. Although I've not been able to feel as good (due to excessive worrying about anxiety), the attacks that have come have got less frequent and not been quite as bad (but hard when I get them). I'm still a bit upset that I've still got anxiety most of the time, and I can't figure out what the best way for me to make it better is at the moment.