View Full Version : Just joined.....lived with panic for 20 years!

19-07-11, 22:45
Hello everyone,

I have just joined this forum today.

I have lived with the constant weight of panic for over 20 years. I am 33 this year so all of my teenage and adult years have been with what feels like a ball and chain on my leg.

I worry,obsess and panic over many things but the main one is illness and death. Not concerning me but others. Mainly my fiance and daughter. At the moment mainly my daughter. She is 6 and everytime she gets a temperature, a cold, a cough etc I PANIC!!! I get convinced...TOTALLY convinced she is going to die. I constantly check she is ok, ask her how she feels, ask my fiance if she is going to be ok, read medical books cover to cover, look symptoms up on the internet. :scared11:

I have yet to come across another person who worries/panics over this type of fear??

I am under help from my GP and hospital but have seen little improvement as yet. It is early days and after 20+ years of this blasted illness it is going to take time I guess.

I hope this forum can help in some way however small. Knowing I am not alone with all this is a big start. As not matter how much someone tries to understand what it is like, only people living with worry, fear, anxiety, panic KNOW what it is REALLY like.

Thanks for reading.


19-07-11, 22:46
Hi LittleMissWorry

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-07-11, 23:13
hey hunni i have a really serious fear of death sometimes gets that bad i don't leave the couch coz i feel that i am safe their and i fear for my kids lives and my husband constantly thinking how i would cope if anything happened to them or to me its awful i know but you are not alone and it will pass just think you have had this for 20 years and you have got through it and nothing bad happened so you need to think in another 20 do you want to be thinking how you wasted themwaiting for something to happen that's how i try and cope with it if its gonna happen we can't stop it x

19-07-11, 23:24
Hi :welcome: you will get lot of help here,

20-07-11, 00:02
:welcome: to NMP LittleMissWorry, I hope you find all the help you need here and make some good friends along the way ::smile:

20-07-11, 09:13
Hi Helen,

Welcome to the site.

There are people here that do understand what you're going through so you're not alone.

Emily xxx