View Full Version : Another Newby

19-07-11, 23:48
Hi all.

I've just been told I have GAD so looking for ways of fighting it and nipping it in the bud.

I think my anxiety started from an early age, my first panic attack was 11. Although I didn't know that then. Then again at 15, then again at 17, probably a few other times in between, 22, and now I'm 24 I have had more panic attacks in the last two months than I thought possible.

So i'm now on medication and started CBT. Also trying various other tricks like camomile tea etc.

It's a very scarey thing as I'm sure you all know very well, which is why I've joined the forum. It's nice to see how everyone else is coping with the same problems. It seems everyone else doesn't quite see anxiety being anything more than a little stress!

Anyway looking forward to getting to know you all.


19-07-11, 23:50
Hi sleepy1

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

19-07-11, 23:57
Welcome to NMP Sleepy, I hope you find all the help you need here and make some good friends along the way ::)

19-07-11, 23:57
welcome to the forum mate :)

20-07-11, 09:10
Hi sleepy1,


Yes you have to play down anxiety and see it as just stress or it will become your focus.
You just have to accept that it's happening and know it can't hurt you.

That's what gets me through anyway.

Emily xxx

20-07-11, 09:51
Hi sleepy1

I'm a new member too but also new to anxiety/panic attacks. I have had an excellent experience on this site so far everyone is so frendly. I hope you find what you are looking for.

Oh I agree Emily completely I try hard not focus on anxiety and just talk myself down to get through it....but it's easier when you know and accept it won't harm you. x


20-07-11, 09:54
It's the accepting that's the hardest thing but once you get there it becomes a lot easier to manage for sure!