View Full Version : urinary tract infection?

20-07-11, 00:34
Would i know about it if i had one?

Because i think i may have one but not sure because it feel's like i am not taking a full passing.

Has anyone had one before?

20-07-11, 11:28

I have had several UTI's sadly, and always know when I am getting one or have one, and I am sure you would too as the effects are maddening!

The symptoms are quite intrusive to be honest.

The first are an urgency to go for a wee, very frequently, but finding that often very little comes out, a burning or shooting pain when passing urine, that is personally how I know I am getting either mild cystitis/a UTI.

Other symptoms are feeling uncomfortably bloated, stomach pains, pains sometimes around the kidney area in the back, and just generally unwell. If the infection is bad enough you can also get a temperature.

They are horrible but generally easily solved with good, strong antibiotics.

Hope this helps.x:)

20-07-11, 12:25
I'm currently off work with one, most of the urinary symptoms have gone, but I still feel lousy, just generally unwell.
However I had one a couple of years ago where I didnt feel unwell - just had the burning and frequent urination

20-07-11, 12:43
Well i went to the doctor's this morning and done a urine test he said i had slight trace of blood and protein in my urine...

Got given a presciption for Trimethorprim 200mg x 2 a day and see the doctor on Monday come sent my urine sample off to somewhere.

Does this just mean i have an infection? Doctor seemed pretty rushed said one of the doctor's phoned in sick so they were having to fit his appointment's in.

20-07-11, 13:35
Did you give a mid flow urine sample? Well blood would suggest a mild iteration or infection, take the tablets , drink lots of water or liquids

20-07-11, 13:37
yep sounds like an infection, your tablets are antibiotics, they will send the sample off for culturing to make sure they have given you the correct type of antibiotic, if not they will contact you and change it. Hope your better soon x

20-07-11, 15:40
URI's are horrible i used to suffer with them quite a bit a couple of years ago.

when you pass urine - you have a dragging feeling afterwards and you also can't get to the toilet in time as the urine just flows from you.

go and see the doc and get some antibiotics if infact you do have an URI.

What helped me was cranberry juice and diet pepsi - it won't take it away completely but it helps with the stinging.

20-07-11, 16:59
What's strange is i have a little pain in my lower right side, and it feel's like i can't pass a full pee.

Could be a slight kidney infection? I have been well ran down worring about my health so make's sense that this come's along!:mad:

Edit-: Also how long will it take to get better?

20-07-11, 17:44
Well a UTI infection can travel from your urinary tract to the bladder to the kidneys which are in your back, now it would be highly unusual for it to happen so fast with out many symptoms. So lots if water plus the antibiotics will help fight the infection and clear it up, unless you are in a lot of pain and have a fever I wouldn't worry , really UTIs are very common and easily treated and don't always need antibiotics either,

20-07-11, 17:45
About 3 days till you notice an improvement

20-07-11, 18:36
Thank you the pain is little so i think i'll manage.

Just a pain with the weight loss i have been going through for this to happen... :(

20-07-11, 21:44
So what does Protein mean? As i don't really want to google and put fear's in to myself.

20-07-11, 22:54
Protein in urine is a sign of infection and one of the things they specifically look for, along with leucocytes (white cells) and nitrites. Again, white cells indicate infection as they accumulate where there is an infection source.

I used to love doing dipstick tests at work (sad I know) as they tell you so much about what is going on, like detective work!:yesyes:

20-07-11, 23:14
So it's nothing really terrible to worry about (don't like the idea of having blood in my pee lol)?

20-07-11, 23:52
Hahaha try being a women!
Your not peeing bright red blood so your fine :)
Honestly there is nothing to worry about .
think about it you are pretty much ok, you don't have fever, you are not doubled up in pain etc...
The antibiotics are fighting off the infection as I type :)
UTI's are very common in women because our urinary tract is much shorter, I have had a few UTI's, only ever went on antibiotics when I was in a lot of pain, the rest went away on there own.
also cranberry juice is proven to stop the bacteria from sticking to the walls, so drinking it , really can help flush them out : )

21-07-11, 00:34
Haha thank's all i am getting is where i can't full go and a bit pain in my right flank.

21-07-11, 11:59
Those symptoms are just par for the course. They are unpleasant but they will go in time once the antibiotics fully do their job.

It isn't anything to worry about, and the blood is just a typical UTI sign.

Get well soon.:hugs: