View Full Version : mole concerns.....reassurance needed please!!!!!!

english rose
20-07-11, 10:59
ive been suffering from HA since beg june!! started with anxiety regarding some tiny new moles which had appeared on my arm, went to dr x2 & they reassured me that all was well, on my 3rd visit the dr said he'd refer me to dermatology for reassurance!! anyway couldnt wait for refferal as i was obsessing over all my mole and i have alot and googling all the time so paid to go private! dr was lovely and examined every mole and mark over my whole body and said he had no concerns at all! the same dr then saw me on NHS 2 weeks later and again said all was well and hed see me in 4 months! i always feel reassured for a few days them anxiety strikes big time! so off i go again visiting him privately and again he said all is well! i know on my good days that he is at top of his game and wouldnt delay if he thought anything was wrong! but i guess because 2 of my moles dont fit the abcd rule but he says they r ok!! i guess i need reassurance from you guys that when he looked thru his instrument he would have seen any abnormalities??? crazy i know but im spending hours looking at all my moles and i just want to try and relax and enjoy my family until i see him again in sept!!! sorry for rant x x x