View Full Version : irritable, stressed, ocd, depressed

20-07-11, 12:39
hi jus thought id post cos today is a really bad day.
everything anyone does ANNOYS me so much.
sitting in a public place and sumones eating annoyin me now someone breathin annoys me jus wana shout at em.
so sick n tired of feelin tired all the time.
been feelin so odd recently dizzy mainly n detached with the lovely help of my intrusiv thinkin makin it ten times better!!

this probably brought on by gettin stressd cos mum dont understand y im off work atm and i rushd out the house tryin to get all my checks done then panickin i didnt hav enuf time to get ready.

wat is the point of living like this day in day out :shrug:

and before anyone asks yes i do see a doctor(useless) yes i am havin therapy(shes shit), and yes i have been referrd for further therapy(also shit) and yes im takin pills(dont work) ansd yes i hav tried different ones nothing works im completely FED UP OF EVERYTHIN N EVRYONE!!:mad:

21-07-11, 08:21
Poor you! Do you have a pet you can talk to? They are often much better listeners than people.

21-07-11, 10:16
I know how you feel fordbird.

Try being sat here at my desk where people sat around me click their pens, drums their desks, mutter to themselves, shout on the phone... It all drives me absolutely insane and I find it overwhelming sometimes. But now I get up and walk away. I have asked these people to stop their annoying habits, but they continue!

You say that the pills don't work, but have you tried them all? If some don't work, try another one? Most of ADs take at least 4 weeks to work.

It's said that exercise is a good stress reliever... might be worth a try?

21-07-11, 10:34
I can relate to this but really, it isn't people that have annoying habits, it's us that have highly tuned nervous systems! I don't know what causes it but I think meditation and relaxation exercises help. x

21-07-11, 11:35
I can relate to this but really, it isn't people that have annoying habits, it's us that have highly tuned nervous systems! I don't know what causes it but I think meditation and relaxation exercises help. x

Hi Tish, I see what you mean and I do agree that we are more sensitive to these types of noises, which really doesn't help, but the things I mentioned are habits - and they're bad ones.
On asking these people why they do it, they tell me they don't realise they are doing it (well I flippin do!).
Habits are formed from frequently repeated behaviours and constant recurrence of the behaviour creates a stronger connection between the brain and the action until it is an almost unconscious action. As they say, old habits die hard.

A forum member told me that our hearing is more acute when we are anxious, which explains why we notice these things more.

21-07-11, 12:22
sittin ere next to someone whos phone keeps goin off and keeps lickin the computer
really stressed today and irritable after a day off the anxiety pills.


have been suggested to take citralopram which helps ocd depression but too scared of side effects

sick of livin like this evryfin irritates me.
as for the office id literally go mental if i worked there end up shoutin at evryone cant stand people atm takes one lil thing to set me off.
and yeh i have a lil lop eared bunny called evo if only he cud stop my worries and problems feel like im goin mad cant work cant socialise

peeeed off fed up

21-07-11, 12:29
I've taken citalopram previously and it helped me a lot. I didn't have many side effects (other than distrubed sleep). Give them a go, it might just be the one that works for you.