View Full Version : Chest Xray

20-07-11, 13:12
I went for a chest x-ray yesterday as I have been waking up breathless and extremely tight chested in the day, and I'm terrified that they will find a tumour or lung cancer or something :(.

20-07-11, 13:21
I wouldn't have thought so but when do you get the results?

20-07-11, 13:31
i wouldnt have thought so if you had the xray yesterday and there was anythingh of major concern im sure they would have rang to see you asap

20-07-11, 15:06
I suspect that they would not have just let you go if they had an inkling anything like that was wrong.

After the X-ray is done they beetle off to process and check it, and although they do need to wait for the chief radiologist to look at it and report on it, they are quite experienced themselves at noting anything not right when checking it. (They have to check it to make sure they have the right viewpoint requested by the doc)

They are (I suspect) looking to see if you have an infection that may be causing your symptoms.

Hope u feel better soon.xxx:hugs:

20-07-11, 15:16
I went for a chest x-ray yesterday as I have been waking up breathless and extremely tight chested in the day, and I'm terrified that they will find a tumour or lung cancer or something :(.

still u not got your chest xray report then why are you worried
be calm, is not necessary there is problem of tumour or lung cancer its may be their cough infection
just wait for xray reports and after got that consult with your doctor till that be calm and tense free. :)

20-07-11, 15:17
Well they said I will get the results in 7 days, but they will contact me sooner if it's something drastic wrong. I'm terrified.

20-07-11, 15:19
I've suffered from the chest tightness before, and I know it is scary. I am sorry you are dealing with that. I've had a few chest x-rays, all normal. My husband's aunt is a radiology technician. She told a story of a patient who had a headt CT scan and they very sadly found tumors. I remember her saying that the radiologists came in to talk to him and his family right there and then --- they didn't send him home to wait for results. So perhaps this is the usual course of action when something is wrong. They don't let you go home and wait for days or weeks on results.

20-07-11, 17:22
hi i got my chest x-ray yesterday to and got the same have to go to my JP in 7 to 10 days to get the results so am so with u its not nice to have to wight can only hope everything goes well for us both but am sure it will be OK take care xxx:hugs:

20-07-11, 18:40
hi hun sorry u feel so bad i have bad tightness in my chest too ive hAd loads of chest xrays ....i think the same as the others do is that if there was something bad wrong they would have seen it after taken the xray and they wouldnt have sent u home
i was worrie over same thing and when i went to have one i notice that when thay take the pic i can see it pop up on the screeen so hun try not to worrie so much about it hope u feel better soon

21-07-11, 08:40
hi i got my chest x-ray yesterday to and got the same have to go to my JP in 7 to 10 days to get the results so am so with u its not nice to have to wight can only hope everything goes well for us both but am sure it will be OK take care xxx:hugs:

Angx what was your chestxray taken for?

21-07-11, 08:52
im sure it will be fine i had a chest xray in december and id heard back from my gp same day ,as i had a problem if anything was bad on it you would of heard about it im sure

21-07-11, 09:26
i had pneumonia 6 weeks ago so am just a bit scared because of that . but had chest pains 1 year ago and that was nothing xx