View Full Version : set back

02-05-06, 10:30
Well, after not having pa's for nearly 8 weeks i finally had one last nite, wasnt too bad but still scary. it felt like i had somthing stuck in my throat and when i swallowed it felt like i had a lump that just wouldnt go away and would a slight pain in my right side of my chest. Is this normal? i'm not sure whether to go to the docs about it as it's not the first time i ve had this.

i really feel down today, thought i was doing so well after having hypnothearapy.

Does CBT really work? as i might ask me doc about doing that.

i just want to curl up in to a little ball and make it all go away.

It's like taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back all the time.



02-05-06, 10:46
i also get like a sharp pain in my throat, sos i forgot to put that bit.

02-05-06, 11:12
hi liz i also get a lump in my throat once i had it for weeks went to the doctors several times couldn't find anything wrong its anxiety tensing up all the time i get pains lumps in my throat all the time i just try to ignore it easier said than done kez

02-05-06, 19:45

Im sure what you are suffering is a side effect of the anxiety


02-05-06, 21:03
liz i get the chest tthing all the time and the throat thing comes and goes. it is so anxiety i promise
