View Full Version : crying for help

20-07-11, 17:39
Hey people. As I am writing this thread I am crying because I cant take no more................ I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am suffering so badly with my health anxiety. I am fearing a heart attack or heart disease.
I get pains everyday in my chest. Sometimes shooting pains sometimes it feels like a squeezing sensation and sometimes an air bubble.
I also get pains in my back etc.
Everyone keeps telling me its my anxiety but what if they are wrong?????
I have just had my first session of cbt.
I just want it all to stop.
I cant go on tablets as I am 8 weeks pregnant and my doctor doesnt want to put me on them yet.
I want blood tests done but I dont want to ask my doctor.
My son is suffering because I cant enjoy life.
Please someone give me some advise before I go insane
Stacey xx

20-07-11, 17:52
hey morgan bird, i too am in the same boat as you hunny, my fear is breast cancer, at the moment i've been having trouble with my right breast, my nipple sometimes appears inverted and i can't remember it being like this before, my breast is also painful, itchy and just doesn't feel right. Ive been back and forth to my doctor's who say there is nothing wrong. I too am pregnant, i'm 25 weeks today. This crazy Health anxiety is ruining not only my life, but it's taken away all the joys of being pregnant for me, i also have 2 small children and i know i'm making there life miserable too, i have no get up and go anymore and don't look forward to anything. My husband is totally fed up of me, keeps telling me just to snap out of it, he doesn't understand at all, over the past year i've thought i've had a brain tumour, heart problems, bowel cancer, skin cancer and now breast cancer, i know it sounds completely nuts but i honestly believe i'm dying from cancer, i was on medication for my anxiety but it didn't help and i stopped taking it when i found out i was pregnant, i've been in tears all day so i totally get where your coming from. Take care. xx

20-07-11, 18:04
Hey merrysee Its nice to know I am not going through this alone. I to thought I had a brain tumor ad mri scan all clear. I am just looking at paying for blood tests anything to help.
It is so draining isnt it? I want to enjoy my son and my pregnancy as last year I had to terminate a pregnancy as the baby had hydrops and I wouldnt have carried past six months and the baby would have died.
My other half is the same as your husband but unless u go through this u cant understand.
I have told him to look at this website which will explain a lot of things. Maybe u could ask ur husband to look??
Well I hope u feel better soon
Thanks for writing to me xx

20-07-11, 18:09
hiy morgan bird, honestly you arnt alone with this im actually sat here driving myself mad thinking i have heart disease or im going to have a heart attack i have just swapped my tablets from citropram 40mg now my doctor has put me on sertraine think thats how you spell it, im suppose to be going on holiday to turkey next week and im so worried something will happen to me out there this health anxiety sucks but dnt worry you arent on your own.

20-07-11, 18:11
Thats ok, it is very draining, it's crazy because you worry your going to die from something, but your destroying the time you are here by doing so. I wish i could be totally care free and not worry about anything but i can't. I hope your CBT therapy works for you and you finally get some relief from all this. If you ever need to vent please contact me. xx

20-07-11, 18:16
I went to tenerife at the beggining of june and i tried my hardes to enjoy it but ended up in hospital because of my anxiety luckily it didnt cost anything. I hope u will be ok laura have u asked ur doctor to presribe u diazepam for when u go away? So if u do have a full blown attack u have them to help?
Merrysee thank you. This website really is a special thing xx

20-07-11, 18:23
Hi morgan bird,
I am 16 years old and i feel exactly the same as you, ive had my anxiety for 4 years on and off and its really destroying my life! :( Im always here if you want to talk, just give me a pm or something :) Hope your okay xx

20-07-11, 18:25
Hey duke,
I have suffered for 4 years to but just recently its got worse and worse. Have u been to ur doctors?
Ur only young bless ya it must be awful for you. If u wanna talk ur more than welcome to message me xxxx

20-07-11, 18:26
thanks morganbird, i will speak to doc as im going to have to get something for when im on the plane as when i have an attack i run outside but i suppose i cant do that on a plane lol

20-07-11, 18:27
hi your not alone i have same thing ,,chest pains iam haven right in middle of chest tightness i keep thinking heart attack too but it wouldnt last this long...i hope u feel better soon hun if u ever wanna talk feel free iam always around

20-07-11, 18:28
I really feel for you. When I was pregnant, I was so worried that a heart condition would claim my life. Then, as my pregnancy progressed, I actually started getting frequent bouts of chest pain, right by my heart. I was so scared I actually wrote a letter to my unborn daughter, out of fear I'd die during delivery and she'd never meet me. I was terrified.

At one point I even went to the cardiologist's office and had an EKG, which was normal. I ended up having an uncomplicated delivery and a healthy baby. I'm not sure exactly why I had the chest pain. The OBGYN thought it was from my ribs expanding, which happens during pregnancy. But it really felt so close to my heart.

I wish I had some good advice for you. Maybe it will help just knowing others can relate. If your pain persists, would your doctor be willing to order an EKG just to help offer some peace of mind. I am sure you are fine, but I know how upsetting the anxiety can be. Just remember our bodies go through so much when pregnant --- aches and pains are par for the course. Hang in there.

20-07-11, 18:30
Thank you for all ur replys I wish I could get into chat but my bloody computer wont let me.
Its soo crap that we feel like this our bodies are a pain in the arse :) xx

21-07-11, 21:53
Hey peeps me again.
Well my day was ok till i looked up dr google and asked for symptoms before heart attack and now i am worrying because i have been gettin them feelings and think i will have a heart attack soon. feeling soooooo low.xx