View Full Version : hi

02-05-06, 10:57
hi everyone well hopefully u have read my success story about the weekend and yes i feel very proud of myself.
The only thing that bothered me was at the disco the strobe lights seemed to affect me like i couldnt look at them or i would panic

anyone else feel this? i kept thinking what if ive got epilepsy but i told myself its just another nasty thought.

hope evryone else is well xx

02-05-06, 11:08
Hi Katy

Will look in the success section in a min.

Strobe lighting can affect anyone but feel assured that you are fine. Its could have been quite hot in the disco. The only thing to suggest if you come accross strobe lighting at another disco then go outside for some air & drink plenty of water to keep you re-hydrated.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

Miss Pink
02-05-06, 14:06
hi Katy,

Don't worry - I sometimes hide behing cushions when there's flashing lights on a TV Programme (especially if there's been a warning about it beforehand !) Strobe lights are pretty horrible in general really and lots of people don't like them who aren't epileptic

It's just anxiety - don't worry

Take Care

‹(•¿•)› Rachael xx ‹(•¿•)›

02-05-06, 17:07
Hi Katy

This is not uncommon, plenty of people do not like strobe lighting, I find that floursecent lights are horrible too!

Take Care

Love Pinky

02-05-06, 17:25
Yup, I'm the same. Shut my eyes when there's strobes in a film. It's that epilepsy warning, although Im pretty sure I would actually KNOW if I had epilepsy!!

Shiv x