View Full Version : Anxiety / Heart rate.

20-07-11, 20:42
Hi i was wondering if tho i don't actually feel anxious/stressed can my heart rate still go fast my normal resting is like 72ish bpm but atm it's doing about 88bpm and i can feel it beating in my stomach.

20-07-11, 20:52
My normal rate is 76-80 bpm..Could it be that because you've timed an 88bpm that you have an adrenaline surge?..Often we dont think we feel particularly stressed but the chemicals inside think we are and react.

20-07-11, 20:56
I think you are feeling stressed and that is why you are counting your heart rate. Try to resist taking your pulse it just makes things worse. Try something physical to boost you rate and reduce the adrenaline. You rate will then settle probably.
I know the feeling though, I swear my rate went up to 120 this morning!

20-07-11, 21:01
Could i actually be thinking about my worry's subconsciously?

That's what is causing it :shrug:?

20-07-11, 21:04
Could i actually be thinking about my worry's subconsciously?

That's what is causing it :shrug:?

Yes, Trevstan, I think thats quite likely.

20-07-11, 21:05
I think so. It becomes such a habit with us that it's like a programme running in the background all the time.
I find that as soon as I think that I haven't had any symptoms for a while they all come back!

20-07-11, 21:07
Mine is about 70 when I'm "relaxed" but remember you don't really truly relax when you have anxiety, you just feel calmer lol
Try meditation, I find it can help calm my heart down.
There is some artery that runs through your tummy so it's normal to be able to feel your heart rate there.
coffee, smoking, alcohol and even eating food with ll increase your heart rate slightly.

20-07-11, 21:17
Yeah i try and relax but then i guess it's a circle of trying to relax enough to get my heart rate lower i have noticed it beating like crazy when i am trying to sleep it's really messing my sleeping up.

I was prescibed some beta blocker's when i went to a+e one night has anyone ever took one of these when getting palp's?

Edit-: Also it could be that i am worrying a little about my UTI/Kidney Infection...

20-07-11, 21:19
I took Propanalol once and it does slow you heart rate down to around 60..

20-07-11, 21:43
Oh well atleast i have that if my heart is going crazy it was going about 110 when i went to a+e.... dropped to 86 when i got in the ambulance stupid that.

20-07-11, 22:34
It dropped because you felt that help was at hand. This is proof that it is caused by anxiety

20-07-11, 22:40
yeah by time i left hospital it was at normal rate of 72ish... I didn't feel anxoius then it just come on guess that's anxiety for you.