View Full Version : Please help me, serious issues!

20-07-11, 23:02
Hi there,
for the past week ive been taking omeprazole for my stomach acid, and my suspected stomach ulcer. Its given me direoha, stomach pains, and the acid has got even worse. Im now having pains all down my left and right sides aswell.

I think that the stomach ulcer may have burst? Or something bad has happened, possibly it might be bleeding? When do you think i should go back to the doctors? She told me to come back within a week if it hasnt helped, maybe i should go back? I don't think ill be getting an appointment tomorrow though, but friday i should be able to. Do you think this is quick enough? Or do you think this could be something serious? Or maybe im just over-reacting..? Please help, i am kind of freaking out about this. By the way im 16 years old.

Thankyou for any replies i get and sorry for the long post, its just something thats really worrying me. Thankyou x

20-07-11, 23:21
Hi Duke
I don't think that anything serious is happening. I think you have become very anxious and this is causing these symptoms.Try to relax and tell yourself that all is well.
I hope you feel better soon

20-07-11, 23:27
Anxiety will make your symptoms much worse and all the stress of worrying like Mirabelle said try and relax,its hard I know.

Have you been diagnosed with an ulcer?

20-07-11, 23:32
An ulcer at the age of 16 is very unlikely and the only way to diagnose it would be an endoscopy. I am sure it's the anxiety causing major reflux which is horrible. I found those pills made stuff worse so switched to Ranitidine.

20-07-11, 23:40
I agree with the others here in that it's unlikely to be anything life-threatening but I would go back to your GP as it's obviously not getting better.

21-07-11, 07:33
Have you had tge test for a stomach ulcer where you blow into the tube the take a anti acid then repeat? As I think it's anxiety cause g your symptoms I'd ask for tge test if you haven't had it x

21-07-11, 15:22
First off most stomach ulcers are caused by a bacterial infection known as Helicobater Pylori. I would recommend you be tested for that if possible. The PPI (proton pump inhibitors) Do help bring the acid down to allow the tummy and esophagus to heal. I was given Nexium during my treatment for HPYlori and had to come off of it and go to a newer medicine known as Dexilant. Some of those medications can aggravate your symptoms worse than if you were not taking them. If anything call and tell them what is happening and maybe you could try something else. Read good things about the suggested Ranitidine in the UK. That might be worth a shot.

Just an FYI, having stomach issues can increase your anxiety and can also cause Vagus nerve issues which can lead to increased anxiety and heart palpitations.

I understand what you are feeling. Went five years with an extremely messed up stomach that caused my anxiety to go through the roof. Now that the GERD, H Pylori and Gallbladder have been treated, there is a noticeable difference in my anxiety levels in just a matter of two weeks!

21-07-11, 19:15
I think if you had a burst stomach ulcer you would be in absolute agony .
Maybe its just the reflux, ive got this badly at the moment and it is very uncomfortable x