View Full Version : Meds and booze

21-07-11, 00:50
I have been on 20mg of cit daily for a couple of years to combat depression. I didn't noticeably suffer from any of the side effects other than sweating more than normal. I have tried to come off them a couple of times but didnt manage it - at my last GP review we decided that I would continue to take them.

The only thing I have become more aware of is the reaction I have to alcohol. I have always been a binge drinker (british disease!) but could always handle a big night out with no memory loss and a mild hangover. I would always get the post booze anxiety attacks (commonly known in my circle of friends as a 'PBA') but never that serious. After taking cit, I have had many a night out where I cant remember what i have done, how I got home etc and the PBAs last for days - even if I have only had a a quiet one and had four or five pints...............

Now, it could be that as I get older (knocking on the door of forty) my tolerance to booze is decreasing. It could be that I am drinking stronger alcohol....... but i dont think so. I think its the cit. Spoke to Doc about it and he said to give up. That aint gonna happen....... its not that bad that I need to give up and I never do anything really stupid (good bunch of mates who protect me).... just interested to see if anyone else has similar experiences?

btw, on a different note, dont go cold turkey - its rubbish!

and another;

first post - I have been a lurker for some time but have felt the need to say something at last. So, as an intro, 38, married, 3 kids, 2 dogs, corporate job, managing a large extension build and doing triathlons - exercise is the best form of medication - try it.......

22-07-11, 01:57
I find with Cit ,I cant tolerate as much either .I dont over indulge as it makes me feel terrible ..It doesnt mean you have to stop ,just dont drink so much .Its not worth it .Excercise does help ,it boosts your mood and increases your energy levels among other things . As for coming off the meds ,cutting down very slowly by 5mg at a time is easier .Definately not going cold turkey ..Welcome to NMP btw .T/C sue

22-07-11, 02:21
if it's making you have blackouts I would be worried about that.....

23-07-11, 10:12
Hi Borka26

I too have the british disease of being a binge drinker! Been on cit for 3 months, on 30mg at the mo, just reducing to 20mg due to side effects! I know what you mean about the blackouts, lack of memory when drinking on cit, like you, I could always remember what I had done, never really had a hangover and did have the post drinking panicks but only the following day. I have found since taking cit that I feel awful the day after drinking, very depressed sometimes and very anxious all day long. I too don't want to give up the drinking, I only go out a couple of times a month and like you say it doesn't matter whether it is a binge night or just a couple of glasses of wine/beer there is the same reaction.

I don't really have any advice to offer, I am still drinking occassionally but I must say I am seriously considering giving it up all together as I really can't hack the wasted day on the sunday spent in bed because of the way I feel.


23-07-11, 11:37
If you care about your health you should stop drinking, alcohol and citalopram are absolutely counter-indicative...

23-07-11, 13:38
I look after alcoholics on a general ward. No such thing as binge drinking and getting away with it. I can manage a couple of drinks on citalopram occasionally but no more. Look after yourself and offer to be the designated driver.

Vanilla Sky
23-07-11, 15:24
A few is usually ok for me , same rule applies , drink water before you go to bed

Welcome to NMP :welcome:

Paige x

23-07-11, 17:04
I agree with Paige, a couple of drinks is ok, and drinking water before bed really does work.

28-07-11, 08:58
Thanks for all the responses and advice........ giving up is not an option but cutting down is.

28-07-11, 09:47
My doc told me it is OK to drink on citalopram, in that they wont react with each other, but the alcohol can block the cit from working properly, which is why you feel so bad with anx for a few days after until the cit builds back up again.

You should definitely cut down, if for no other reason than binge drinking can cause a lot of long term health problems, which may not be apparent now, but can show up in later life