View Full Version : My introduction - Health Anxiety

21-07-11, 04:19
Hi! Here to share my story of Health Anxieties. Been on this road for a very long time. Hope I can help others and others can help me.

Will post my very long tale in the Health anxiety area.

21-07-11, 04:30
Hi Davinci817

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

21-07-11, 04:54
welcome to nmp ...my name is jessica and i also suffer very badly with health anx ,,,if u have any question please feel free to ask me :) take care and again welcome aboard

21-07-11, 08:40
Hi davinci817,

I also suffer from health anxiety.
Welcome to the site.

Emily xxx

21-07-11, 21:14
Hello! I also suffer from health anxiety.
I will watch out for your story!
Chloe x