View Full Version : Always feeling panicky

02-05-06, 12:54
Hi everyone,
I'd really appreciate some advice.
For the past month or so, I have been feeling like I'm having a really low-level panic attack for hours at a time. It mainly occurs when I'm at work, but sometimes at home as well.
I have that dull knotted achy feeling in my stomach and i can feel my heart beating (although it's not unusually fast or irregular). I feel sick and nauseous a lot of the time, although I do still eat enough. I used to suffer from an eating disorder, and it's important to me to keep my eating under control.

I have always been an anxious person, and have rather a lot of things worrying me right now. I am studying for a PhD as well as holding down a FT job, we have financial problems and last week we received some bad news about my sister-in-law's pregnancy. I also have on-going problems with my parents.

I'm wondering what to do about these feelings, because although I am still functioning ok - i am going to work, eating, keeping the house clean etc, i don't feel like i am me. I don't relax, I ache beacuse I think my body is so tense all day long.
I am about to start kickboxing classes, and I really hope doing some real exercise will blow away some of this feeling, but I am wondering if anyone has anymore advice?
I'd be really appreciative of any thoughts anyone has to offer.

Jones x

PS. Crikey, I'm sorry this is such a long post!

02-05-06, 14:04
Hi Ive PM'd you also but just to say Im the as you constantly feeling a bit panicky, some days its my breathing others it just panicky for no reason and also I get the horrible spaced out feelings.
Exercising definitely helps, Im even considering going first thing in the morning in the hope it will set me up for the day.
Ive been to 3 counselling sessions but so far havent seen any improvement I think it takes longer though.

02-05-06, 14:46
I was gonna say about the exercise so it's good to hear that you already have this in mind.

I think a combination of things could help here - deffo the exercise as that will burn up all that free floating adrenalin that has nowhere to go at present. Also some sort of stretching or muscle relaxing exercise (I do yoga which is great for this) or listening to relaxation cd's like Glenn Harrold 'Total Relaxation' or NoPanic (the charity) muscle relaxation cd!!! Both well worth the money.

Another thought but try very hard to only live in the day you are in and refuse to stress yourself today on things that are going to happen tomorrow or in a few days time. This is a really good thing to try and do as a way of life - if you think about children this is how they live pretty will don't they. Try and simplify life where and when you can.

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

02-05-06, 18:21
Hi there - this is so true - we all worry about what if ...... we should live for the day and not worry about whether we will have a PA tomorrow and dont know bout you but I am always analysing how I feel each day and worrying will I have a PA or feel unwell - exercise is good but I hate exercise so maybe I will jog with the dog when I walk her early int he morning!!
Good luck. Love Wenjoy

03-05-06, 19:41
Pglets advice is very true and very valuble. I often tell people to stay in the moment and not worry about what has happened in the past or what may happen in the future. How many negative situations can we make up if we let ourselves.

Live for the day and do try and look after yourself with excercise and fresh air, it really can help and gives another focus to our day than ourselves.

Sitting around all day brooding about how we feel can do us no good whatsoever, even if we start a new hobby or brighten up a room that needs decorating, anything than can break us out of the introspection habit and give us another focus to our day.

Take care
