View Full Version : HA back with a vengence

21-07-11, 09:47
Hi all,

It’s been a while since I’ve posted. Things were staring to improve for me with regards to HA, but now it’s back and just as bad as ever with me having frequent panic attacks and feeling rubbish like I used to.

This is going to sound ridiculous (and this is why it’s taken me a couple of weeks to actually build up the courage to post here), but I’m worried I might have vCJD. In fact, I have convinced myself I have it.

I’m 28, lived in England all my life and did eat beef during the BSE outbreak.

My symptoms:
It started with Massive anxiety and depression about 3 and a half months ago after having to go to hospital to have my appendix out.

Since then I’ve been on 20mg Fluoxitine (this is my 9th week now) and I’ve been up and down (but had, until recently been progressing fairly well).
The past couple of weeks I’ve noticed that my balance isn’t as good as it used to be. I feel wobbly and vertigo like feelings (particularly with eyes closed).
I’ve noticed that my memory has been getting progressively worse too – forgetting more and more little things and making more mistakes at work.

I’m finding it REALLY hard to concentrate on anything and my perception of time is odd (I can’t remember or place when things have happened and I struggle to think of what day it is).

I’ve also had this weird throat problem – I feel like there is a lump in my throat a lot of the time and it is hard to swallow. It sometimes feels like when I’m eating food that my throat and tongue go weak and it’s difficult for me to chew and swallow food.

I know I sound crazy, but it’s ruining my life. Any help would be greatly appreciated please. Thank you.

21-07-11, 09:53
You don't sound crazy at all :hugs:

You also don't have vCJD!

I am taking fluoxetine too and one of the side effects it has given me is a feeling of a lump in my throat all the time - its almost gone now as i've been on it for 6 months, it will get better.

Might be worth going back to your dr and just discussing all of this with them, could be side effects. I also get dizzy quite often and when I am really stressed I get this weird, fuzzy feeling like time has slowed down and i'm not really here! So I must be just as crazy as you (nicest way possible)

:hugs:Hang on in there, you're ok....

21-07-11, 11:36
i get all that as well when am really stress dont worry as much it will all calm down do some breathing exercise to relax u and keep on the move to that helps me take my mind of things to, i dont take meds so just think its syptoms of the anxitey xxx:hugs:

21-07-11, 11:56
Thank you both for your quick replies.

I just can't shake the feeling I have something horrible wrong with me. I've worried about vCJD for years and have really started to fixate on it in the past few weeks.

I've never felt this bad from anxiety before and it's really starting to destroy my happiness.

21-07-11, 12:11
it will get better well u will get it under control, i go up and down all the time had it relay bad the last few days but today i just said to myself no more has to stop and its work for today anyway hahah. just got to keep strong.
keep Ur chin up i know how u are feeling :hugs:

21-07-11, 12:22
Thanks angx. I'm sorry you've had a rough few days too. I'm trying really hard to be positive and reassuring myself that I'm OK, but I'm quite tired today and it's quite a struggle.

How long have you suffered with HA? I think my problem is that because I was starting to level out recently I'd got used to feeling ok and it came as a big shock when my worries reared thier ugly heads again. I thought i was over feeling this bad, which has fed into my fear of 'it must be something else making me feel this way'...!

21-07-11, 13:10
i had it 3 years now and yes i was just starting to get on with life again and i was ill about 6 weeks ago had to go for chest xrays a few days ago and wont get the results till 7 to 10 days, which kick it all off again the worry of driving to the hospital and then getting told i have to wight for the results and then having to drive 16 mills home again all got to much am glad my girl was with me she cant drive but she spoke to me all the way home. so anxiety back again but got different symptoms this time feeling sick and cold and hot at the same time and the good old pains in the chest which i have had from the start also have to burp allot to. but do feel the same as u it gets u down really bad and know one at home reel understand whats going on my hubby tries to god bless him .
one day this will just all go away xxxxx:hugs:

21-07-11, 13:45
I've read a bit about CJD as I thought I had it a few months ago. It progresses very quickly and suffice to say after nine weeks you certainly wouldn't be able to think and write so clearly.

Also, all of your symptoms are easily attributed to anxiety disorders. If the fluoxetine isn't working by now it probably isn't going to so maybe see your GP about getting a different prescription?

Relax - its all good
21-07-11, 14:02
Absolutely NO WAY you have that incredibly rare illness. I remember thinking I had it back in 2003 cos I read about it in the paper. :) Took me ages to get off that fixation and start worrying about my heart :doh:

21-07-11, 15:07
angx - sorry to hear your HA is back. It seems from this site that it never really goes away, just abates for a bit. I'm sure your results will be ok.

worried91 - I think I might go back to the Docs to see if the Fluox should be working by now and if there is any other option. I've already tried Citalopram and I had horrible side effects. Also, thanks for reassuring me about CJD. I know that CJD comes on very quickly, but vCJD is a bit slower. i guess I'll have to wait it out.

Relax - I went the other way. i went to hospital a couple of times because of heart worries and now I have the Nuero fear. If it's not one thing it's another...!

Thank you all. It is helping me a little bit hearing you all. i am trying to forget about it, but it's hard!