View Full Version : Newbie ! Hello everyone! x

21-07-11, 11:05
Hi everyone well as you can gather from the thread name I am new to this. However and unfortunately I am not new to having panick attacks and anxiety disorder! Which began 3 years ago, after losing both my parents within the space of twelve weeks (I ll try to keep it short)Anyway I cared for my dad for ten years who eventually passed away due to complications of diabetice. Then I cared for my mum at home while she had lung cancer and inevitable died from at home(with me and my brothers there)

As you can imagine it was a very distressing time (baring in mind I was still working and have a family of my own to look after). However after about 6 months after I thought I was doing ok, considereing untill Out of the blue !IT HIT ME! My first panick attack. omg "What's happening to me ?Im dying,(all the symtoms etc. Now over the last few years I have had numerous attacks and feelings of anxiety (health) Any twinge or unexplained pain "Ive got something really bad ! x is this never gonna end, im currently going through one now ! I would appreciate any kind works of support or encouragement to know how to get back out of this frame of mind !! Thankyou!! xxxxxxx

21-07-11, 11:08
Hi dusty41

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

21-07-11, 11:14
Hi dusty41,

Welcome to the site, you've taken a positive step to recovery.
We're all in the same boat here so all know how horrible anxiety can be to live with. There are some wonderful people on here so you will get all the support you need.

Emily xxx

21-07-11, 11:21
Thankyou for the lovely welcome. I ll look forward to making new friends, and speaking to people "Who understand" what it is like to live, cope and deal with this condition!! I feel better alraedy just reading some of the threads !! Iam NOT alone or going Mad! hahah lolx

21-07-11, 11:35
No you're def not going mad! X

21-07-11, 12:33
Hi and :welcome:to NMP .Im so sorry about your parents .:hugs:But Im sure you will find plenty of help and support here .Sounds like you have had a delayed reaction to what you have been through .Its often the case .Look forward to speaking to you on the Forum .Take care and dont worry you are among friends here ...Sue x

21-07-11, 12:34
Just like to say:welcome:

21-07-11, 15:39
Thankyou suzy-sue and Shaka, feel like im amongst friends already ! xxx:D

21-07-11, 17:05
Hiya :welcome: to NMP. I hope you find the advice and help you are looking for and make some new friends along the way :D

21-07-11, 19:40
That must have been an awful time for you. You are obviously a very strong lady! Welcome to NMP and I do hope you feel better and stronger soon...Keep talking dusty41 you made huge steps already.
hope we talk again soon


21-07-11, 20:31
welcome to the family