View Full Version : How do you know when its IBS?

21-07-11, 12:58

As far as i know i have never suffered from this condition before and was just wondering if people actually have tests to prove it is IBS, or just accept what the doc says. I haven't as yet discussed this with my doc, but am going to see him tomorrow and when i tell him all my symptoms can I expect him to just say 'IBS, don't worry'. These are my symptoms:

I have had diarrheoa 3 times in the last 6 weeks, not a lot i know but i very rarely used to get it.
I am either constipated or when i do go I have loose stools.
Pressure and medium pain in my lower pelvic area.
Lower back pain
Occasional bloating
Occasional Morning Nausea
Feeling full and uncomfortable after eating.
Niggling pains in both my sides.
Urinary problems as in the pelvic pressure and feeling sore and uncomfortable in the uretha area (does not sting when peeing tho)
Different colour stools.

Can anyone let me know if this sounds like IBS, i think i am more worried about the urinary thing tho as that has been coming and going for 3 weeks, and this is something I have not had before. I have had 3 tests for UTI's but all negative. I just dont know what to think anymore and am considering asking my doc for a pelvic ultrasound to rule out more serious conditions, because how can they just presume its IBS. All answers would be greatly appreciated xx

21-07-11, 13:57
sounds like ibs to me, i suffer with similar symptoms to yourself.

23-07-11, 17:26
hi, i also have many of your symptoms and have had ibs for 20+ years. Never had any tests but have all the classic symptoms.

I'm going through a really bad spell at the moment with ibs and anxiety. I also sometimes need to pass urine more when i'm having a flare up.

23-07-11, 17:36
Exactly same symptoms for me and Ive been diagnosed with Ibs for 12 years.

24-07-11, 16:06
Hi me again!

I also have what I think might be mild IBS as I have similar symptoms to you. Seems strange we both seem to have the same types of symptoms - IBS-type symptoms & urinary problems. I also get a pain in my calf ('though mine is in my right).

I am also on anti-depressants (venlafaxine) and am under some family stress.

Sitting here with that awful pressure feeling in my pubic area right now after having a bit of a meltdown with my Mum last night.

Apparently there is a huge connection between IBS, PFD and IC and all can be made worse by stress and anxiety.

I am trying to accept that I have a mild case of all three and trying not to imagine that every symptom is some form of malignancy but it's hard isn't it!

Hope you got on ok a Dr's and keep trying the exercises (sorry to keep banging on but they really help!). I also find the urinary problems are worse if I eat tomatoes, chinese food, worcerster or soy sauce.


Donna xx

27-07-11, 12:17
I suffer from really bad IBS and have stuggled to believe it could be this painful. My dr is sending me for a scan next week i think to put my mind at rest (althou im now worrying about getting to the appointment!) but I have everyone of the symtoms you have mentioned xxx

28-07-11, 01:36
Defo all sounds like IBS everything you have i do to i also have bad smelly wind :blush: pains all below left ribs & all around hips :weep: but i get my nausea of a night time for some reason x