View Full Version : Panic attack? Crying, Chest really hurts & arm

21-07-11, 13:24
I'm sat in a hotel room on my own, my fiance has gone out for lunch with his mum. I keep having panic attacks, i've been having them constantly for a few weeks now ever since Danie and I talked about getting married, and he booked it.

We've come over to S****horpe (Where his parents live) so we can tell them together tonight and give them their wedding invitation. I'm agoraphobic and very people phobic, so god knows how i'm going to get married!

Ive been gagging this morning, i feel really faint, i cant breathe properly, my left shoulder and arm is hurting anfd my chest is hurting alot and feels heavy and fuzzy.

I'm crying, and very frighten.

When ever i mention this to Daniel he get very frustrated with me, and wont take it seriously. I keep thinking im having a heart attack or heading that way, but he wont take my fears seriously and he'll just accuse me of trying to get out of seeing his parents.
Im so upset and scared, i feel awful

21-07-11, 13:40

Oh my goodness just stop for a minute!
Stop worrying about your fiancé and your fiance's parents and get yourself calm first off all. Again, when I post I almost feel like I'm the kettle calling the pot black, BUT reading your post you sound really upset and distressed!!

Show your fiance this web site, it may make him realize how bad panic and anxiety etc, just are. And it may make him sympathize with you. I used to be dismissive off anyone with depression, anxiety etc. BUT they can happen to anyone at any time ( like me) and they can lead to many other problems like,OCD and social anxiety and agoraphobia, to name but a few. Read my first reply in search - fear of fainting.

And later the meeting with his parents, try and explain this stuff to him and you should remind him that when your married and there's a problem you should try and work together. Sooo he should help you today deal with your stress, not add to it, instead of accusing you, if he is, of trying to duck out of

can't they meet you in or near the hotel for a bit for a drink, so u can share your lovely news. Be honest and just say your feeling off. Take the pressure
Off yourself. Don't think too far ahead, take it one step at a time.

Takecare :flowers:

21-07-11, 13:54
Hi Col, thank you so much for your reply. I will show him my post, I usually do when I want to make him understand. For the most part, he is very understand of my panic attacks and recognises my achivements when I see hi family, even if it's just for a few minutes. But It is frustrting him more recently because it's constant panic now as i'm under more stress and pressure with the wedding.

He's going to try and arrange for him parents to come to our hotel room, as I never manage more than 10 minutes at their house and obviously this time there will be things to discuss.

I've no where to hide though which is a big thing for me, when they come to our house if it gets too much I just go in a different room to calm down where as here i'm on full display as it were. And when I get nervous I eat loads to settle my stomach, so i'm also worrying about eating in front of them and them thinking i'm a greedy pig.

Thank you again for your reassurance and calming words xxx

21-07-11, 19:35
Hope it goes well X