View Full Version : serotonin syndrome - could that be it?

21-07-11, 15:20
I'm waiting on my doctor to call back. But wanted to find out if people had serotonin syndrome. This excess restless energy I have can't be good. It's one of the symptons, but I don't know. I don't have most of these symptons except for the restlessness. I'm clammy though.

Oh dear. why is this happening

Signs of serotonin syndrome (http://bipolar.about.com/od/antidepressants/a/serotoninsyndrm.htm): agitation, confusion, diarrhea, fever, overactive reflexes, poor coordination, restlessness, shivering, sweating, talking or acting with excitement you cannot control, trembling or shaking, twitching); trouble in holding or releasing urine; unusual or sudden body or facial movements or postures

21-07-11, 16:17
I had the shaking , was told to stop taking the meds right away, the shaking was pretty bad though and i had it a few days . I also felt very odd like I had the flu,
Not sure about feeling restless , could it be the anxiety or do feel it's definitely the meds?

21-07-11, 16:53
thanks. I don't know, probably anxiety I guess. I just went over to my friends to talk through the "restlessness" - made her check my pulse and and see if I have a fever. pulse was normal and no fever. my main thing was I couldn't stop my legs. If I was sitting, I would shake them. I'm ok about it now a bit.

I guess it then has to be the anxiety. Doctor has not called me back yet. plus he goes on vacation next two weeks. So I have to get tis sorted out this week. Although initially we have one day next week that he said he would be available and I am to call him.

oh man, this is tough.

21-07-11, 18:48
It's very unlikely you have a serotonine syndrome, it is usually present when you take different kind of antidepressants (SSRIs with MAOIs for example), if you are taking just citalopram it is almost impossible to get such sindrome. And you must have at least several of these symptoms before you can be in doubt whether it's SS or not- mostly the agitation, fever, confusion, ankle clonus and such things.