View Full Version : Tingling in left foot

21-07-11, 15:37
Does anyone else get this?
It's more annoying than painful! I have been to the docs about it but they said it was anxiety. The thing is I have it even when I don't feel anxious.
I am a vegetarian and have read that a vitamin deficiency can sometimes cause tingling.

Any ideas??!!?

Emily x

21-07-11, 21:58
Does anyone else get this?
It's more annoying than painful! I have been to the docs about it but they said it was anxiety. The thing is I have it even when I don't feel anxious.
I am a vegetarian and have read that a vitamin deficiency can sometimes cause tingling.

Any ideas??!!?

Emily x

Yes I get this. Is it like pins and needles? I get it both my feet and my hands. I had a blood test which showed that I had low vitamin D, so I took some tablets and now even though my levels are normal I still get the tingling. I guess its just anxiety, I also get it when Im not anxious along with many other symptoms.

22-07-11, 09:46
I posted this in the health anxiety forum as well & someone said it could be a vitamin deficiency. B12 I think.
I am a vegetarian so maybe this could be the cause.
It goes away & then comes back sometimes for a week at a time & then goes again.
I also get it whether or not I am anxious.
I hate it though it stresses me out thinking there is something terribly wrong haha!

I will try & get into the docs today for a blood test (something else to stress about...)

Thanks xx

25-07-11, 22:34
Yes, I get this quite a lot. Mostly legs but sometimes hands too.
The doctor actually asked me if I was vegetarian because I was deficient in B12 -he said most of its sources are animal products.

26-07-11, 13:25
What did you do, take supplements??