View Full Version : Nausea/tiredness - really starting to WORRY :( anyone get this too?

21-07-11, 15:39
Recently, for maybe the past couple months, on and off, but more recently this couple weeks I've had it a lot. Is I keep getting spells of feeling really nauseated, not enough to feel like I will vomit, but it's like a nauseous exhausted feeling. And sometimes it gets so bad the only thing I can do is to lie down and sip water and then after doing that for a while I'll feel better.

I'm starting to really, really freak out though because my groin lymph node seems swollen and with this nausea and tiredness, my brain goes back to my HIV fear.

I just don't know why I get all this. Because even when I'm not having a bad anxiety/stress day I seem to get the same thing.

I wish I didn't have these worries, not sure what to relate them too.

Anyone else get these things?

21-07-11, 17:45
Anyone else? :(

21-07-11, 17:52

I often get this - its a bit of a joke between me and my husband as I never seem "well". I quite often feel sick and exhausted and most of the time I do just put it down to be an extremely anxious person. Often find I get it more in the 2-3 weeks leading up to a period.

You're not alone.xxx

21-07-11, 18:03
Thanks for your reply, it's comforting to know I'm not the only one. So do you think it's just the anxiety and or stress making us feel exhausted?

Also I read that grieving had cause these things. Which I am going through.

21-07-11, 18:25
Anyone else get this? Or any tips on how to counteract it? I feel so depressed with it :(

21-07-11, 19:41
I have this almost 24/7 hun, and I think it is par for the course with anxiety, and even when we think we are not particularly anxious, our body tells us otherwise!

I haven't felt rested and refreshed for years now, even after 10 hours of sleep, but I am an insomniac which doesn't help much as I don't drop off until 4ish.

The nausea I get fairly often too, just a sick feeling in my stomach and I think that is an adrenaline thing as the anxiety speeds up our bodily functions so our stomach churns.

I think you are bang on about grieving as - like depression - it can exhaust us.


21-07-11, 20:09
Thanks Deb :hugs: your posts always reassure me a lot. It's at its worse just now. I pushed myself to go for a short walk thinking fresh air would help, but I feel even worse now :( so exhausted, and I feel like I'm going to throw up. It's so worrying :(

I also have a pain where I thought my groin lymph was swollen. The dr said it wasn't swollen though.

Do you have any ideas about how to combat this feeling? I'm sorry you get it to, it's so awful. I feel like ive caught a bug or something.

Hopefully the less anxious I get the better I'll feel.

So do you think it's purely anxiety yeah?

21-07-11, 20:10
I am also thinking it may be something to do with my sleeping pattern. I keep going to bed at about 3-4 am and getting up about 1pm.

21-07-11, 20:27
I do think anxiety plays a very big part in it E-Alice, yes.

I also think that lack of sleep doesn't help in a physical sense, but also in the sense of how we perceive the way we are feeling and all our aches and pains and how everything is magnified and seems a lot worse when we are overtired.

Bad sleep defo makes us feel rough and with anxiety on top...aarrrhgggh!!

I'm not sure how you can combat it hun, apart from trying to get as much sleep as you can with early nights, restful environment and lighting, etc. and when you are up and about during the day, trying to just plow on with living and doing stuff as from my own experience, when you sit doing not much it makes you feel physically and mentally worse and more tired, whereas when you get up and about it really does help draw your mind away. What's more, the more you do, the more likely you are to get some sleep at night through tiredness. Lying in is another no-no, even though it is hard when you haven't slept 'til late. Make yourself get up, hard as it is. It helps break the cycle a bit.

I really can relate to you as I always feel tired and sickly, but now I make myself do stuff even if I feel rubbish.

Hope things get better for you.xxx:yesyes:

21-07-11, 23:55
Thanks again.

I'm going to try getting up early tomorrow and having a busy day.

Because if it was something serious like I am worried about, it wouldn't really go on and off right? It'd most likely be constant.

Hope it goes away :(