View Full Version : Tingling in left foot

21-07-11, 15:39
Does anyone else get this?
It's more annoying than painful! I have been to the docs about it but they said it was anxiety. The thing is I have it even when I don't feel anxious.
I am a vegetarian and have read that a vitamin deficiency can sometimes cause tingling.

Any ideas??!!?

Emily x

21-07-11, 15:53
I have had it in both feet and hands. B12 injections seemed to have helped it. Would think that you are getting plenty of B vitamins with your lifestyle.

There was one time that my left heal had pins and needles for weeks but it was also accompanied by back pain. Went to a chiro who did treatment for a pinched nerve. That also relieved it.

Doesn't mean it isn't/wasn't anxiety of course. So difficult to say which is of course why we all suffer with anxiety in the first place! Often times it is a mind over matter issue. Maybe I just believed the B12 and chiro fixed my issues lol.

21-07-11, 16:18
So many things that could be causing it then - oh no ha ha!!
Think I will ask my doctor for a blood test to rule anything out ( not had one for about 10 years!)


21-07-11, 16:31
Blood work is a good thing to keep up with as far as easing your anxieties. Especially with your Vegan diet you really should keep track of your vitamin deficiencies. Assume you supplement?

My Doctor does a yearly physical that includes a standard run of blood tests. She always includes B12 and D in my test and especially with my anxiety because they can help aggravate those symptoms. I give myself monthly B12 serum injections so she likes to keep up on me not having to much.

21-07-11, 16:59
I do supplement with a multi vitamin but I do lack energy.
My nan suffered from anaemia and so does my mom along with b12 deficiency. Need to get tested! X

21-07-11, 17:15
Can't hurt at all to be tested. The good thing is that foot tingling isn't deadly :winks:.

21-07-11, 17:26
I'll watch out for toes dropping off and keep u posted lol! X

21-07-11, 17:36
LMAO! Please don't you will give me one more thing to worry about if my feet tingle ever again! :roflmao: