View Full Version : 8 Weeks

obsessive b
21-07-11, 16:27
Hi Guys

I have been on Cit 20mg now for 8 weeks - my doc seems to think I'm doing better and so does my other half but inside I still feel as mess. I wake up in the morning in panic manage to work all day but have cried 3 times today at work. My biggest problem is h/anxiety been and had loads of tests and docs said nothing wrong with me but still can't get it out of my head etc. Is it too soon for these pills to have kicked in properly as doc has not mentioned changing or upping my dose which I don't want to do anyway.


21-07-11, 17:26
Hi B,

Have you told your doctor that you don't feel right with still having high level of anxiety? What others perceive on the outside may be you actually controlling the anxiety a bit better even if you feel like crap. Getting the right dose is tricky so I know you don't want to up your dose, but perhaps talking to your doctor and testing out how a higher dose does for you would be a good idea. Also any therapy?

I wake up with a panic/high anxiety every morning too, but I've only been on cit for 6 days. Has waking up in a panic been happening for the last 8 weeks? Or do you have better days?

You seem to be mananging going to work. Is today the only day you cried? Perhaps you are being too hard on yourself.


21-07-11, 18:52
It seems some people recover more difficult than others, i am taking double dose for about 40 days now but still don't feel completely alright. Today is a 'bad' day for me and some of the thoughts of the HA came back for a while but i will not give up. Tough times, but we should wait and see, hope the future is brighter...