View Full Version : My cat attacked me:(((

21-07-11, 16:28
My cat is very stressed and scared since an op last week. I went to pick her up to take her to the vet for her post op check and she went wild, chasing me around, attacking my legs with her claws and growling and hissing.

It was so scary and I only got away because I locked myself in the bathroom. She was tribg to get around the door, it was like a scene 'Heres Jonny' lol!

I've got 2 nasty scratches going across my shin and one on the back of my ankle. I had jeans on too. They didn't bleed for long, infect it was more like if u dabbed it you saw blood. But on the sin it's blue/green around the nasty scratches. I'm scared it's serious but my mum saud that's bruising.

I'm scared of blood poisoning or something and I'm a nervous wreck. I keep crying:(((((

Can anyone reassure me?

21-07-11, 16:50
:hugs:hi dont worry did u clean it ? it should be fine my dog has scratch me Heep's and am OK so u will be to and Ur mums right it will be bruising but if Ur relay worried then go to Ur JP or ask to see a nurse but i relay thing u will be fine xx xx

21-07-11, 16:51
whilst your cat sounds crazy, you ae indeed okay.

Pop along to the docs and get a tetanus injection to be sure.

And if you had blood poisoning you couldnt tell by the clour of your skin so rest easy!

21-07-11, 16:56
I don't know if I need to see a dr? I had a tetnus 9 years ago so still covered.

21-07-11, 16:56
Keep it clean with peroxide and dab a bit of antibiotic ointment on it. Kitty scratches can take a while to heal. If you notice the area is hot to the touch, red streaks coming out from the area then you might want to get it checked. Otherwise, you will be fine. Can't tell you how many scratches I got over the years working in a kennel......never got blood poisoning or even a bad infection.

21-07-11, 16:57
I cleaned it with TCP twice since.

21-07-11, 17:23
The TCP should be sufficient in keeping it clean then. Give it a few days and it will clear up on its own.

Your kitty is nuts by the way :roflmao:!

21-07-11, 17:28
I'm always getting bitten or scratched by our cats when I'm playing with them!!........ don't worry about it, you'll be fine!

21-07-11, 17:55
Blimey you're cat went a bit mad!:scared15:

Sorry it did make me laugh when you said it was a bit of a here's johnny moment:roflmao:

Seriously though, I agree, just keep it clean and TCP is fine

Take care


21-07-11, 18:05
I've been scratched and bitten by cats and dogs in the past. Just little ones and I just left them and was fine :) you'll be totally 100% ok.

21-07-11, 19:28
Thank you all.

I'm too scared to go near her:((

She flipped, totally went psycho. The vet said she's very stressed out and not herself since her operation plus our dog scared her last night.

I keep worrying I'll end up with blood poisoning, I'm a prat. Gp spoke to me and prescribed an antibiotic cream.

21-07-11, 23:34
Thank you all. Your replies really helped.

Not sure how to deal with my cat right now so I'm keeping away from her.

Just hoping I heal ok. GP gave me fucidic cream, said I didn't need antibiotics or a tetanus.

22-07-11, 01:04
maybe she is still sore from the op? how many days has it been?
Just approach her slowly , cats nearly always give a warning sign, like they are saying back off, usually a growl or a hiss, lowering of the ears, tail swishing etc..

22-07-11, 02:24
She gave me no warning. I tried to walk away and she just followed me then went nuts and pounced:((((

Her op was a week ago.

22-07-11, 03:27
hmm it is rather odd for a tame cat to act like that, mine sometimes gets play aggressive where she ponces and jumps on my legs, and then runs away!
My aunt had a cat that turned wild from being out the country, he got into the house and when we tried to get him out he was totally up for attacking us, we were actually afraid of it, he was rather feisty.

I've had a few cats neutered and after a day of hiding under the bed they all seemed ok.
It's hard to tell with animals, what was she like before her op?

22-07-11, 07:26
She was always a quiet timid cat and after we got our kitten in march we had issues with our cat being a bit hussy and we got the odd scratch as we walked past her. This all calmed down after a while and she went back to her normal loving self.

Yesterday was just so bad. She prowled after me around the room as I tried to walk away, then she went nuts and attacked me like a wild possessed thing. I could get her off me, I kept thinking when will she stop:(((( eventually I shook her off my leg and I ran into another room and I shut the door but she was coming back for more. She put her head and foot around the door hissing and trying to gets again. I thought she might get back in but I managed to shut the door and she went onto the landing and sat scratching the door.

I was on my own, terrified.

I don't know how I'll trust her again:(((

22-07-11, 13:43
Animals live in the moment. She could have been spooked from the medicines they gave her, they can hallucinate just like we do. Try to remember that she has no recollection that she hurt you. She hasn't done this to your husband or kids?

23-07-11, 09:47
Thanks Davinci.

She was nervous a few months ago when we got our kitten. She would randomly scratch or bite us but not attack, and the vet said she was just scared.

This was a full on attack and has left me so worried:-(