View Full Version : Desperate for help-don't know what to do

21-07-11, 17:41
Hi all.

It's a long story so won't go into it now but I am 25 and suffer from severe anxiety and panic attacks for the past 2 years. My GP has put me onto propranalol 120mg a day to reduce my heart rate, which it does, but only during the daytime. I am having therapy which up until 2 weeks ago was going very well, I was making good progress and hadn't had a panic attack for a few weeks, not a full blown one anyway and had even managed to walk up the aisle for my wedding in May which I didn't think I would be able to do. However, for the past 2 weeks it has been an absolute nightmare, I am not sleeping and when I do I wake up in a terrible panic. My husband isn't sleeping either and we are both exhausted. My GP won't prescribe me Diazepam which I was given by an emergency doctor 3 months ago when I was last like this to take when times were really bad, obviously I ran out and didn't get any more because I was better. I have asked my GP to give me a few more now to help me sleep so my body can rest but he is refusing and tbh is being completely unhelpful. I just don't know where to turn, my chest feels uncomfortable all the time, my throat is tight constantly and I just am so so anxious and panicky all the time. My husband has had to give his job up because I won't be left on my own and I just cannot deal with this feeling any more. Plus my OCD has flared up majorly as well i am getting so so desperate now. Any advice would be very gratefully received.

Daniella x

21-07-11, 17:41
Oh and I should have added I have also stopped going out again.

21-07-11, 18:39
Oh that sounds horrendous. Why don't you try get a second opinion as your current doctor doesn't sound to be much help. Hope u feeling better soon x

22-07-11, 11:06
I am the same, completely lost the plot today and my partner has had to come home from work to look after the baby. I am having constant panic attacks and cannot see an end to it, my parents are coming to get me to take me up to their place in Oxfordshire (Christ knows how I'll manage the journey which around 3-4 hours depending on stops).

I am so, so scared. I do have Diazepam and they are not helping. Sorry I can't give you any advice, just wanted you to know you're not the only one suffering.

22-07-11, 11:37
i would say you are on the wrong drug!

i have to take a drug to regulate and reduce my heartrate as well as seroxat for my panic attacks. i recently tried, unsuccesfully, to come off seroxat leaving me just on the heart med. this did not work!
my doc explained that the panic attacks were down to a chemical deficiancy in the brain which seroxat made up for
i really think you need something like seroxat

22-07-11, 14:42
Thanks for the support. Rocklover good luck with your journey, just try and stay positive and focused on arriving at your parents.

Thanks pacemaker, they did put me on sertraline last year and I had horrendous side effects and was rushed into hospital a bit sceptical to try anything which says in the side effects can affect the heart rate. I think I will register with another doctor, perhaps I will get some better support. It's starting to drive my husband mad and my mum who is terminally ill it's causing her too much stress :-(


22-07-11, 17:29
I am the same, completely lost the plot today and my partner has had to come home from work to look after the baby. I am having constant panic attacks and cannot see an end to it, my parents are coming to get me to take me up to their place in Oxfordshire (Christ knows how I'll manage the journey which around 3-4 hours depending on stops).

I am so, so scared. I do have Diazepam and they are not helping. Sorry I can't give you any advice, just wanted you to know you're not the only one suffering.

Rocklover I'm so sorry to read this. I hope you're going to be all right. When you're more settled please let us know how you are. We are always here for you. Take care now.

Belle x

22-07-11, 18:12
Thanks Belle, I'm so very, very scared of what is happening to me. It's all so overwhelming and bewildering that I suddenly cannot function.

And thank you Thinking for your kind words despite what you're going through yourself!

24-07-11, 02:54
I'm also on propranolol. Started off on Diazapam, doc said to take when anxious. Found by that time it was too late and continued having panic attacks until I went to the hospital and the doctor there said I should be taking it 3 times a day every day. Did that for a week or two, then my doctor put me onto the beta blockers. They don't want us on diazapam as it can become addictive, so I think he is trying to make sure you dont become dependent on it.

I found my propranolol worked well for the first week, then my step sis passed away and again I was fine until the weekend, when someone stressed me out over nothing major! It seemed silly. Must have gone to bed stressed because I woke up with a thumping heart rate, it had sped up despite the fact that shouldn't happen, and ended up having a panic attack.

Perhaps you need to speak with your doctor to see if there is anything else he can help you with? I am also on an anti depressant, early days, it's not nice to be honest but everyone says it gets better. I don't like taking meds so I am trying to find other ways of doing things alongside the medication to calm me down, so I don't feel as if I am relying entirely on the drugs. Maybe this could help you too, I have found it to be helpful when I feel really anxious.

Camomile Tea- 3/4 times a day. Hated it the first time, then almost had a panic attack, drank it straight down and got a taste for it. It is really calming and is supposed to act as a sort of natural sedative. Great before bedtime (although I'm up with twitching at the moment!)

Avoid TV as much as poss - I can't focus on it for long. It makes me feel worse, perhaps this may be similar with you. Reading helps alot, especially before bedtime as you are concentrating on something other than what your body is feeling.

Yoga - been to one lesson so far, it helped but the only issue is getting myself there. Im always so tired!! When I was there I met some nice people,all with problems, whether back problems or stress, so may be good to get to know them. Also the moves require your complete focus. If you think about anything other than the moves you will topple over! I only had trouble with the relaxation part funnily enough. Relaxed too much and got in a panic!

Visit family members - being around family helps a little, I get to hear their problems too and see how they are, forget about mine for a while.

Lavendar - we have a plant outside, I take the lavendar and smell it when i'm anxious. I'm sure lavendar bath oil could work just as well!

I hope some of these ideas are helpful. Definitely try the camomile tea. You can put honey in it too to make it sweeter, it really helps me. x

24-07-11, 15:45
Thanks for the support. Rocklover good luck with your journey, just try and stay positive and focused on arriving at your parents.

Thanks pacemaker, they did put me on sertraline last year and I had horrendous side effects and was rushed into hospital a bit sceptical to try anything which says in the side effects can affect the heart rate. I think I will register with another doctor, perhaps I will get some better support. It's starting to drive my husband mad and my mum who is terminally ill it's causing her too much stress :-(


well i can say that i get on alright with sotalol for my heart and seroxat for my panic attacks.
when i tried to come off seroxat it made no difference to my heart or anything else for that matter other than my PA's came back.
i know seoxat has had a bad press but to me its a wonder drug that has given me a panic free life for well over 20 years now :yesyes: