View Full Version : Food poisoning or stomach bug?

21-07-11, 18:08
Basically last night after tea I started having stomach pains, felt very bloated and gassy. Before I knew it I felt awful, agonising stomach cramps, diorriha and hot and cold sensations. I had some rennies and went to bed expecting to feel fine. I didn't this morning though and still had pain, diorriha, I felt cold an generally unwell.

I had to get a train up to my parents before to pick my car up and felt like I was going to faint. My mum even said i didn't look good. I don't have a temperature but feel really cold and hot andgenerally sickie now. I want to eat something but at the same time I don't. I'm in bed now and want some sleep.
I have absolutely no energy. I also have a banging headache when moving about.

Is this food poisioning do you think? Or is it a bug?
I'm meant to be in work at 6am tomorrow and really not sure if I should risk feeling worse going in. :weep:

21-07-11, 18:51
Hi hun

What had you eaten before you took unwell?


21-07-11, 19:41
I had a cheese and tomato pizza yesterday evening. I had a pie with potato and onions in and some calslaw, nothing else.

21-07-11, 19:54
Hmmm possibly a little bug then hun. Drink plenty of water and maybe a piece of toast if you can manage it and see how you feel in the morning. I certainly wouldn't go to work because if it is a bug then it will spead coz those types of bugs usualy do, plus you need to build your strength back up.

Hope you feel loads better soon
