View Full Version : have they stopped working?!

21-07-11, 19:03
Hello, I was on citalopram for 6 weeks and was doing great, felt happy, confident, chatty etc, then I got a new prescription and it was a different brand. I didnt think anything of that but since Ive been on the new brand (which I understand is little different from the first batch) my mood seems to be slipping again.

Ive been on this new batch for just over a week. I saw my doctor today who said to keep going, not to increase the dosage (currently 20mg) yet and see how I am in another 5 weeks. I dont want to slip back into my previous depressed mood so I wonder if anyone else has experienced this change?

thank you:)

21-07-11, 19:29
for what its worth, i personally think that there is some variation between brands. i am aware also that my anxiety picks on anything it can blame for my changing moods, so bear this in mind. personally, i always obtain a script from the docs and take it to a local boots pharmacy where i know they always stock the same brand (actavis-red packets), so i always get the same. psychologically, this prevents my anxiety from blaming my moods on pill changes.

21-07-11, 21:31
I don't think there is any difference. On both Citalopram and Mirtazapine I've had so many different brands from different pharmacies and my mood ups/downs bear no relation to each one.

I think it's very easy to convince yourself they're different and worse and then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

People do experience ups and downs on any medication, it could be you're getting used to the medication and it is having less effect. The same thing happened to me on Citalopram - I crashed after each dosage increase despite initially doing well, in the end I was changed to Mirtazapine. Your GP obviously thinks this is something you can work through yourself however.

21-07-11, 23:14
Thanks to you both for your replies. Both the pharmacist and the doctor said that the active ingredients werent any different, though I have heard that many people seem to have problems with a different batch.

Anyhow, yes, I will keep going and see what happens. thanks again