View Full Version : hi

21-07-11, 19:09
Hi every one
put in to google search ' I can't go on any more 'and it came up with this web site -it really helped reading that people are feeling the same as me ! have suffered with dapression and anxiety and horrid panic attacks ,what i cant cope with is the fact that last week i felt so down i didnt want to go on but this week my mood is lifting and am startring to feel better but from past experience i know it won't last !
one thing that has upset me this week is that my partner has arrange for his brother to come and visit ,iasked him to postpone it but he wouldn't but what got to me was if i had something physically wrong with me he would have asked his bruv not to come but because its my heads that poorly he couldn't tell so now i have a lovely stress filled week end to look forward to!dont get me wrong he is very supported in private but finds its difficult to talk to other about me
any way thats a bit about me:noangel::noangel:

21-07-11, 19:11
Hi lovelylayla

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

21-07-11, 19:25
Hey Lovelylayla,

Really glad you decided to join us. I joined 5 days ago and feel so much better.

The one emotion I felt was alone....Not physically I have a great support network, but in a 'Im the only one, no one understands, no one is listening, Every one thinks they Know but they don't. This site has changed all that.

Just knowing you are not the only one.

I hope you stick around and find help and new friends.


21-07-11, 19:44
Thanks Lisa
i also have lots of support but you're right you feel that know one knows how you feel my fella says ''i just want you yo be happy '' but thats easier said than done when all i can do is sit on the bed anmd cry for no apparent reason ! but i am having a good day -taken son out so not feeling such a bad mum today 'glad the web site seems to be helping you
heres hoping it will give me some help:)

21-07-11, 20:23
welcome to the forum hope we can help

21-07-11, 21:45
Hi lovelylayla,

Welcome to the site.
It's been a massive help to me and hope it will be for you too.
Keep posting we are all here to help!

Emily xxx

22-07-11, 01:29

I am sure you will find the help you are looking for on NMP and meet new friends along the way. :yahoo: