View Full Version : This is destroying my life. To much to deal with! :'(

21-07-11, 22:51
Health anxiety, OCD, Social anxiety are ruining my life. It's all combined into one big ball! And its make me a complete and utter nervous wreck!

I can't remember a day when i wasn't thinking about my health or what others think of me, or having to do certain things otherwise something bad will happen. I wake up in the morning and i have anxiety, sometimes in tears and sometimes jolt awake with extreme chest pain and a thundering heart. And when i go to bed i have anxiety, i try and keep myself awake because im scared of dying in my sleep, most nights im up until about 5am, in which then its impossible to keep myself awake so i just fall asleep. I am starting a job soon, my first job ever and im going to be so tierd and ill i dont think ill be able to do it!

Lately ive started loosing weight, which is very unusual for me because i am a comfort eater. I have been eating the same amount, but i think because ive run myself down so much im not eating the right things, and im just making everything worse. I would love to loose weight, but not like this, i would prefer to do it the healthy way.

There has been so many stresses in my life, in which there is to much to explain on here so i won't mention any of it, plus i don't want to lumber anyone with any of my worries of life. I find myself to be crying most days, and just sitting at home on my own depressed and lonely. Surely this is not the way to live?

It's so bad now, it's at the point of me feeling like giving up. It's taken over my entire life, and as soon as it starts to improve, something happens that ruins it again, i don't know what a 'normal' life is anymore, i can't remember how it feels.

Anyway im really sorry about this long post, it felt so good to get my feelings out and about on this site. I hope i didn't annoy or upset anyone, would be great to hear from a few people. Thankyou

21-07-11, 22:54
Hiya. I know how you feel. Not much i can say other than it will get better it just takes time. :)

21-07-11, 23:12
I know how you feel i have last about 20 pound's in the last 10 week's just under eating, and not feeling hungry at all. About 3 pound's this week.

I am having palp's all the time even when i go to bed and struggling to sleep, the shit weirdest dream's i have ever had it's making me not want to sleep.

Then when i do wake up in the morning i feel absoultey knackered leg pain the work's... Then when i go outside like to the shop's i end up sweating alot and feel dizzy and weak.

It's all getting me down it's just like a circle.

21-07-11, 23:43
Yeah i know how you feel :(

I have such horrible dreams, involving me drowning and getting stabbed and things, i agree its just like one huge circle neverending..

21-07-11, 23:46
yeah i was in a horror movie the worst one so far ****ed me up had to wake my GF to make sure everything was ok