View Full Version : hi there, new member

21-07-11, 23:08
Hi there my name is margy, i have just joined this site tonight, i have been suffering with anxiety/panic for about 3 years on and off, in the last 2 years it has seem to got worse. But my anxiety is mainly about my health, i got diagnosed with kidney disease about 2 and a half years ago, i am getting better now though, but i still get really anxious and think about it all the time and it does effect my badly on some days.

I am wondering if anyone can give me any advice or if anyone suffers from the same problem, health anxiety. :)

21-07-11, 23:09
Hi margy1982

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-07-11, 01:28
Hi Margy1982 and :welcome:

I am sure you will find the help you are looking for on NMP and meet new friends along the way. :yahoo:

22-07-11, 10:19
welcome to the forum yes thinking about it will make you feel worse but remember its all int he mind and you have come to the best place for help and advise Welcome :) :hugs:

22-07-11, 11:54
Hi Margy,

Welcome to the site.

I suffer from health anxiety (quite badly). I have been ut on Prozac & am finding its starting to help (if slowly). I get days where I still think I am going to die & something terrible is going to happen but I find it a little easier to rationalise with myself now.

There is no quick cure - I would give away my whole shoe collection for one!!!

Emily xxx

22-07-11, 12:10
Thank you everyone for you reply's. I will try and not to think about it as much, but it's like it is there everyday, some days i find it easy to control, but then some days i can't control it. :)

22-07-11, 15:22
I had even worse anxiety today, went to the doctors and got my blood pressure done, but when he took it he said it was 60/90, and i panicked really bad, but i phoned up the kidney ward because thats why im on blood pressure tablets, and talked to my renal nurse and she said its impossible to have that reading, and she took it and it was completely normal, she said that doctor got it wrong, so i panicked because the doctor give me a wrong reading. :)