View Full Version : Heart attack?

22-07-11, 01:01
Today I ate my lunch as usual. I have tuna salad everyday with crackers and a small slice of pickle. I ate my lunch as usual and about ten minutes later I went outside. All of a sudden I could feel a pressure on my chest and could feel my heart skipping . I came inside drank some water and burped some tyen I ate some antiacids and rested a bit. I burped some more but still feel like im bloated. My heart stopped skipping and my stomach settled down some and I went out again to put the trash out and do some thngs in the yard and now im really tired. Couod it just have been gas pushing agsinst my heart nd now its gone ? Or could it have been a heart attack and now im weak from it?

22-07-11, 01:22
Doesnt sound like a heart attack Michael .More like indigestion .If you are not relaxed when you eat ,it can cause bad digestion .and trapped air .When you felt the pressure which was wind,you went into anx mode .This caused the heart to beat fast .Try to avoid the pickle until you are back to normal this can cause indigestion too ,same goes for vinegar .t/c sue x

22-07-11, 01:28
Thanks so much,I really appreciate it. Im just feeling a little tired now which is unusal for me at this time of day but maybeits just a coincidence. Thanks again.

22-07-11, 01:30
Your welcome Michael .The Anxiety its caused you , will make you tired .Try to relax for a while now ..t/c Sue x

22-07-11, 01:42
Thank you:)

22-07-11, 02:23
Indigestion! also eating can cause your heart rate to speed up.
I got some mighty chest pains after eating, while I was trying to burp, took ages to go away!

22-07-11, 02:42
It wadsnt so much a fastheartbeat I was xoncerned about but the skipping. Im still getting it even now ,just had dinner and also I get skipped beats almost every night before going to sleep butI had an ekg which the dr said was perfect and also every checkup the dr says my heart is perfectand cant find anything wrong.I sure hate the skiped beats,thy make me feel uncomfortable

22-07-11, 03:31
I get palpitations, skipped beats, and tachycardia, all my tests have been good so far.
lying down can bring them on as well as making you much more aware of them,