View Full Version : Close to Googling my Stomach Issue!

22-07-11, 03:29
Hi, for the past 8 weeks, I've had chronic indigestion/hunger pangs after a meal (it's the type of gnawing sensation that goes away DURING eating but comes back afterwards), excessive burping, and wetter/looser stools (got this on and off loose stools for 2 weeks. because of this, i go the toilet more than once a day which isn't really normal for me).

I DON'T have chest pains, acidic throat, or heartburn though.

So after more than a month of pondering that this could be you-know-what, I went to a gastroenterologist to sort things out (took me a lot of guts!). He didn't looked overly concerned since he just suggested that an endoscopy could be an option (he didn't insist it) and gave me 2 weeks worth of omeprazole.

I am on my 7th day of omeprazole now and for the past 4 days, my stool has become pretty normal (the sausage type of stool, sorry TMI). My indigestion has gotten a WEE bit better, I believe. However, I think my belching for the past 4 days has gotten worse. I burp, burp, and burp especially after meals.

I still have that "fluttery" feeling in my tummy sometimes and last night, I think I had 2 hours worth of that gnawing sensation again (an hour after dinner). So I guess I still have on and off indigestion from time to time. The only thing keeping me sane now though is the fact that my stool has gotten way better.

Any thoughts on this? Could the possible fluttering/gnawing sensation and belching be side effects of omperazole? I'm close to Googling now. :(

22-07-11, 04:00
DON'T GOOGLE! Get up and walk away from the computer if you have to, but don't Google. =)

What good can really come from it? It cannot tell you what's causing YOUR tummy troubles, but only give you a list of everything under the sun that may cause such symptoms. And you know what path that could lead down --- you might end up obsessed about something that you in no way, shape or form have. It's not worth it. Don't ruin the upcoming weekend for yourself by giving you stuff to worry about. Lots of people have tummy troubles, and it's not anything serious.

I wish you the best. I've slipped up and Googled many times and can never forget the scary stuff I read. Not worth it!

22-07-11, 04:39
Do not Google it's will scare the bejesus out of you when you find your symptom's always goes to the worst on google.

22-07-11, 09:53
hi hope this helps but i burp allot when my anxiety start and the worse i get the more i burp and go to the toilet allot to my doc said it was all link to that and hes right if am calm am OK dont goggle if ur realy worried go see ur doc xxxx:hugs:

22-07-11, 10:04
Hi, thanks for the responses.

I managed to stay away from Google today.

I'm just really frustrated that my omeprazoles aren't giving me the best condition I could have. :(

Worst thing, I can't accept the fact that I'm anxious. I'm in denial and I don't think anxiety could cause or worsen these things :(

22-07-11, 18:35
Hiya! Your basically the same as me, ive had ALOT of trouble from my stomach issues.. But it actually gave me direaha aswell. And ive had omeprazole for 8 days now and nothing.. its not helped at all, so im worrying if ive got something seriously wrong :(

24-07-11, 10:14
Hey there!

Actually, my indigestion thing has really gotten better especially during the afternoon and the evening. I still get the "weird feeling" in my stomach during the morning, but it's more of a fluttering one. I do take the meds during the morning and I'm just hoping it's just a side effect or something. Basically, my bowel movement has returned to what I consider normal. At least that's good for me. I still belch and fart a lot. Again, I am just hoping that it's just a side effect.

The doctor told me to give it at least two weeks before you can start any improvement though. Hang on. How are you feeling today?

24-07-11, 10:22
I take my meds Morning and evening everyday and its been almost 2 weeks i'd say. I'm still not feeling well with them, i feel like they have made me worse, so i didn't take them today and going to see doc asap and ask why they are making me feel like this and see if there are any other meds.

24-07-11, 13:05
I see. I guess people react to meds differently.

Have you been through different tests?

Please do let me know what the doctor says!

24-07-11, 14:38
Never google!

I have a sticky on my PC monitor saying "Never google" and to water the planet :P

25-07-11, 23:04
Haven't Googled lately. I guess it will just do more harm than good. My indigestion has really gotten better. I still have the constant burping and farting though :( On the 11th day of omeprazole...