View Full Version : Hi, I'm Sara

22-07-11, 03:42
My name is Sara. I'm new to this forum. So the past 3 months I've had this constant fear that I have brain/neck cancer, an aneurysm, leukemia, lymphoma, you name it. My family is growing tired of all my nonsense and its ruining my life. I've had very bad anxiety symptoms from this and that makes me feel worse. It started about two months after going cold turkey off of Celexa after taking it for about 7 years. NOT a good idea. I have recently gone back on it, on day 10, had terrible side effects. Increased anxiety, headaches, dry mouth, tingling/buzzing in hands and skin. Still have the headaches :( Hopefully they will pass soon. Just looking for some support and to make some friends. Have a great day!


22-07-11, 03:44
Hi SaraBee

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-07-11, 04:08

I am sure you will find the help you are looking for on NMP and meet new friends along the way. :yahoo:

22-07-11, 04:11
Thank you! :D

22-07-11, 10:20
welcome to the forum sara

22-07-11, 11:51
Hi Sara,

Welcome to the site!

You can always share on here we won't grow tired of it!!

Emily xxx

22-07-11, 15:48
Hi Sara welcome to the forum, Im glad you found us:)