View Full Version : Does anyone get this feeling?

22-07-11, 06:56
I started getting this weird feeling lately. It feels like all of my body is just jittering inside. and it just hits out of no where. I've had anxiety/panic disorder and depression for about a year now and i've never felt this, so having a terrible health anxiety is making me worry. I also am having heart palpitations when i'm not even worrying about anything, so i wonder if the heart palpitations are from sub concious worry and anxiety? I also just weened myself off of ativan. i've been completely off of it for close to a week now. I'm not sure if these sensations are post acute withdrawals from the ativan, anxiety, or something more serious. Your input would be greatly apprectiated. Thank you in advance

22-07-11, 07:12
Yes I have the same thing. Mainly in my arms and sometimes my body. It's like I'm trembling inside my skin. I think it is anxiety.

22-07-11, 13:09
I get this. It starts in my stomach & works it's way throughout my whole body.
Lasts about a minute if I tell myself not to panic.
It's anxiety, adrenaline release.

Emily xxx

22-07-11, 13:21
Yes, I also get it. Kind of like internal trembling and usually is accompanied during, before or even after with heart palpitations. Actually having it at the moment. Had surgery a couple of weeks ago and ended up with terrible congestion and soar throat, wake in the mornings with thick mucous in my throat which causes me to feel like I am not getting enough air. Quite sure I am having anxiety/panic because of it. If I cut a .25 mg of Xanax in half it usually makes this go away, seems obvious after that it is anxiety for sure.

If you were taking Ativan it probably kept the tremors at bay.

22-07-11, 17:36
Hi, yes, i get this feeling in my legs and shoulders, classic anxiety, (re Dr Claire Weeks books) could also be a little withdrawal effect from quitting the pills, well done though, its not easy quitting meds

Jo x

03-08-11, 05:00
Thanks guys. sorry for taking so long to respond. i haven't been on here in a while