View Full Version : Gloucoma

22-07-11, 08:19
Hi have had an eye test and was told my eye pressure in left eye is 21,they will check again next week as could be start of gloucoma freaking out a bit can anyone relate to this thanks

22-07-11, 13:40
Very normal to worry over something like this. The waiting for more test and not knowing can get the anxieties working over time.

If it is any comfort, my uncle who is now in his 70's has successfully lived with Glaucoma for years without many issues at all. Still only wears reading glasses as needed.

Try not to suspect the worst, hope for the best and keep your mind busy on other things.

22-07-11, 13:45
The pressure in my eyes was very high. I had to have a field vision test I think it is called and they said after that it was all ok

23-07-11, 12:39
Thanks guys trying not to worry to much, have read anxiety can cause high pressure so will wait and see x

Hazel B
23-07-11, 20:56
This is the very lowest end of the scale. I know someone with this, they first has a score of 25 and it's now back to 17 (15 is about normal). He has eye drops every night & eye tests every year instead of every 2 years. The eye drops help the eye pressure and prevent the condition developing.

They will take good care of you, try not to worry.

23-07-11, 21:53
Thanks Hazel have to go on back on wednesday will let you know x

Hazel B
23-07-11, 22:19
No worries, hope it goes well Weds.:D

24-07-11, 09:21
I was told by my optician that my pressures were high 4 years ago after he repeated the 'puffer test' at weekly intervals a few times.

I got a referal to opthalmic consultant at hospital, but the waiting list was so long I paid up to see him privately (we were living in Ireland at the time). he was really nice and did lots of tests, none painful and told me my pressures were perfect.

He said that sometimes the opticians' machines weren't that accurate, especially if 'hand held'. also some people have a tough cornea which affects the reading.

Please try not to worry.

27-07-11, 20:01
Hi all had another test at opticians today,pressure 23 in both eyes but told not to worry and go back in two weeks wearing glasses not contacts,she said i am not in any danger and not to worry, so will take her advice and try not to think about it :)

27-07-11, 20:06
My pressures range from 22 - 26, but i just have a yearly test just to make sure my eyes are ok. If the optician said not to worry , im sure your be ok x

27-07-11, 21:21
Opticians these days seem to refer people for tests at the slightest reason, not sure why this has started to happen in the last few years (maybe a liability thing) but at my local hospital the eye department is standing room only there's so many people there. I was also referred a few years ago with high pressures, turned out to be nothing, try and look at the positive thing here: If there's anything wrong (very unlikely!) it has been caught so early it can be treated :)