View Full Version : How long does a breathing allergic reaction take?

22-07-11, 11:22
I have just eating something new which i have never tried before and after i read on the back that it could contain traces of nut etc i have started to panic and im just keep thinking im going to have an allergic reaction but a one where you struggled to breathe and need help.
Im already feeling like mny breathing is restricted.
I know it sounds pathetic and i never used to be allergic to nuts etc but because of my anxiety i have always kept of nuts for a few years.

I ate this aboout 20 minutes ago, if anything bad was going to happen would it of by now?

22-07-11, 11:38
Yes it is almost instant

22-07-11, 11:40

As nic says it is practically instant, you would start to feel symptoms straight away...and it wouldn't just be your breathing that was affected you would most likely feel multiple symtpoms. Your anxiety will probably try and trick you for the next hour or two so hang on in there and get some distraction on the go.


22-07-11, 12:07
You'll be fine. It would happen quickly x