View Full Version : When having a panic attack is it normal...

22-07-11, 12:24
Everytime i have a panic attack i get a heavy feeling in my chest like somethings crushing me. To be honest i think my doctor thinks i exaggerate when i explain to her my symptoms but i may just be paranoid. Another thing i get is my vision blurrs really badly i cant focus on things and that makes the stuation a lot worse because then i think there must be another problem. I really would like to speak to a psychiatrist but my doctor isnt supportive of that due to the 9 month waiting list. what i really want to know is this all in my head?

22-07-11, 12:46
The reason why you are experiencing the symptoms you do is simply because your body has tripped the adrenaline release switch and started to prepare your body to either fight or flight...rest assured it is a basic and natural responce to a danger signal...it feels pretty yukky when it happens but remember you have nothing to fear from it- think of it as your life saving mechanism your body is trying to protect you by heightening your sences and making you hyper aware of your surroundings-i know it doesnt seem like it at the time!!If it wasnt for the flight or fight response man would have been extinct a long time ago....its saved us and made us what we are today!!Hang in there...i also still suffer panic attacks but there getting better day by day!!

22-07-11, 13:47
It's completely normal, I get this & I feel like I can't get enough air into my lungs.

Scary, but all anxiety.

Emily xxx