View Full Version : Is anyone taking both Citalopram & Mirtazapine?

22-07-11, 12:50
Hi all,

I'm curious to hear from anyone who is taking both citalopram & mirtazapine and to ask how well they are sleeping?

I took citalopram about 5 years ago for a few years and while it really helped with anxiety/depression I'm pretty much convinced that it gave me my sleeping problem (of course I could be wrong). I eventually came off it as I felt much better anxiety wise.

Now I’m taking mirtazapine for my sleep problem and for anx & dep again. I’ve been on them for a few months and while I don't feel it's been working for anxiety it has helped my sleep immensely.
(I can’t win! :-) )

I have read that a side effect of citalopram is insomnia, so I really don't want this happening... again. But I'm hoping that with mirtazapine combined that I *shouldn't* have too much of a problem.

I assume that it's best to take the citalopram in the morning, and continue to take mirtazapine in the evening/night?

I’d be interested to hear other people's experiences taking both of these.

Thanks all

22-07-11, 13:32
How much Mirt are you taking ? Citalopram have helped me sleep once they stabilised and i reached the right dose .Maybe you just need an increase in the Mirt ..Im only on Cit btw .and I take it at night .I did take Mirt for a while and I also slept ok,but woke up in a panic every morning . Hope you get some replies from people on both drugs ..Sue

22-07-11, 13:48
Hi Sue, I have tried an increased dose of mirt and I'm not convinced by it, so much so that I don't want to try an higher dose again. So the plan is to take 15mg mirt & 10mg cit for the next two months to see how that goes.
I'm surprised to hear that taking cit helped you sleep as it did the opposite for me... guess it just shows how we all react differently.

22-07-11, 14:20
10mg of Cit will not do much if at all hun .Its not even the starting dose .Bad anxiety needs a much higher dose even when combined .Id say at least 20 mg ..LIKE YOU say tho .we all react differently .Hope it helps you ..xx

22-07-11, 14:32
Well it all depends on the individual...
I'm taking them combined so 10mg of citalopram may well be of benefit for me.
I wouldn't start an AD at 20mg - I prefer to build up the dose gently otherwise I'm sure to get side effects. (Did this the first time and didn't have any bad ones).

If there's anyone who is taking both, I'd be interested to hear your experiences with sleep.

Thanks all

05-01-12, 15:55
I take 20mg of Citalopram in the morning and 30mg of Mirtazapine at night.
The citalopram makes me feel like I am going to have a panic attack and very on edge for about 2 hrs after taking them, the Mirtazapine on the other hand makes me feel calm and very sleepy after 1 hr of taking them. I have always been a bad sleeper but now get a full nights sleep with no other side effects apart from weight gain, this I put down to a craving for carbs.