View Full Version : I cant handle this anymore :(

22-07-11, 13:46
Its been a 10 days since i put myself back on my normal dose of escitralopram (20mg) after trying to come off it by dropping it to 10mg. I gave up giving up after the awful withdrawel symtoms and hideous palpitations. Well I've not stopped having palpitations since! They are none stop! I actually lose count! And I HATE them :*(
I saw the dr yesterday and I've been refered to cardioligy but cant get an appointment until 12th sept!! Having a blood test and ECG at drs next tuesday. But I cant wait that long! What if something bad happens in the mean time? I'm so scared and exhausted :(
Is it just this stupid drug or is there something wrong with me?

22-07-11, 15:21
Perhaps it is just the lowering then raising of Seratonin in a short time frame that is causing the added anxiety. Do you have a benzo (Xanax, Ativan) you can take to help calm your anxiety?

Remember that it can take several weeks for your system to level out, same as when you initially start taking any form of SSRI.

Try some deep breathing. There are some decent meditation vidoes on you tube. Might take listening to one a few times to calm you.

Hang in there <3