View Full Version : Cardiologist and Tight Chest - Advice???

Laura xx
02-05-06, 22:26

My doctor has referred me to a cardiologist because I keep getting a really bad tightness in my chest and throat and I feel like someone is sitting on my chest! I have had an ECG (it was fine) and a chest x-ray (which was also fine).

He has referred me because I lost my mum to a massive heart attack 2 years ago, and he said he wants to make sure it is not angina (which apparantly doesn't show on an EGC). I am 30 years old and smoked from the age of 11 until a year ago when I gave up.

Could my chest tightness be tension???? I have suffered with anxiety on and off, but I wouldnt have said I am at the moment (although perhaps I am but don't realise).
Could anyone please advice what sort of tests the cardiologist will perform and does anyone else suffer chest tightness on and off?

Laura xx

02-05-06, 23:22
Hi Laura,

I too suffer from a tight chest at times. I do have asthma but it's not usually that, it's usually due to my anxiety and caused by hypervetilating and tight muscles. Chest tightness can definitely be tension but it's good your doctor is being thorough and getting everything checked.
I have seen a cardiologist too, I had an ECG, a chest x-ray and then the cardiologist did an exercise ECG (ECG while walking on a treadmill), I also wore a 24 hour ECG monitor and an event monitor where I had to push a button if I got symptoms. They may do an echocardiogram (heart ultrasound), all these tests are painless and non invasive. There may be extra tests done if angina is suspected but remember it would be really rare at your age.

Good luck,


04-05-06, 19:40
Hi Laura,

I too have been to see a cardiologist as I suffer from chest pain which can affect my left arm both these lead to palpitations as well. I had an ECG, an echo and a chest xray. My symptons started when my husband had his 2nd heart attack at the age of 42, which led to a cardiac arrest. He is fine now but I have been left with the psychological scares a bit like you. Before this happened I had never had any cheat problems, so I guess your situation is very similar to mine. Please do not worry about the tests and put the positive results to good use when you next have your chest pains by reassuring yourself that you have been checked out by a heart expert.
I hope this helps you to feel that you are not the only one.
Take care and good luck

What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

05-05-06, 22:28
i too get terrible chest pains and have had lots of tests to prove it is not heart related but i am yet to be totally convinced

funny i thought an ecg would pick up angina? anyone?

i have had these pains for 4 years and have been told time and time again it is tension and muscle pain from my constant tensing of my muscles. it is also said to be heart burn and indigestion due to anxiety etc

not sure if this helps but im sure if you look at the symptoms page you will see how many suffer chest pains. your cardiologist will maybe do an echo which is a scan of your heart, and ecg blood tests and maybe a 24 hour tape to record your heart beats. none of this is painful and im sure it will prove normal

i hope this helps


07-05-06, 00:25
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">funny i thought an ecg would pick up angina? anyone?

<div align="right">Originally posted by jackie - 05 May 2006 : 23:28:41</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I think they can but only if you're having angina symptoms at the time, often angina only happens when people are active, not when sat down or resting therefore an exercise ECG is often done to try and capture the symptoms happening. Sometimes an angiogram will be done if other tests show abnormalities. Very rare they would do that in a young person though.
