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View Full Version : i just coughed slightly and snot came up

22-07-11, 16:12
it wasnt even a cough really but loads of snot and mucus stuff came up.

22-07-11, 17:26
Most likely some allegie that is causing that, wouldn't worry about it unless you have a bad cough permantly, and it dark green yellow.

22-07-11, 17:35
Maybe you have a cold. Maybe you don't. A long as you aren't spewing blood everywhere there isn't anything too threatening about coughing up snot.

22-07-11, 21:55
Thank you it didnt even come up just felt it in the back of throat. sometimes for months i get real bad pains in nose around nose and eye brows. there was even a sore spot on one of my eyebrows for a while. not a visible spot but it hurt to touch there. im very worried about cancer :(

22-07-11, 23:25
last thing is my teeth hurt to brush. so scared i have cancer.... after my panicking yesterday i even managed to forgot to brush my teeth

23-07-11, 15:45
Today i have pain in head all over and pain in tounge mouth when i eat- feels swollen and pain around nose to press around. im so scared

23-07-11, 15:49
it wasnt even a cough really but loads of snot and mucus stuff came up.

Its Catarrh ..Sue x

23-07-11, 15:52
Today i have pain in head all over and pain in tounge mouth when i eat- feels swollen and pain around nose to press around. im so scared

Sounds like your sinuses ..Get some medicine from the chemist ,the Pharmacist will advise you whats best for you .Stop worrying about every little ache and pain .It just makes it feel worse concentrating on it .Might help to go out for some fresh air too ..T/c Sue x

23-07-11, 18:25
Emma you are fine xx

23-07-11, 21:15
Thank you both x

24-07-11, 19:51
today i had a feeling in back of throat like there was snot there- also got a funny feeling in mouth like no moisure is there

24-07-11, 20:12
it feels dry on top and it doesnt hurt but its not a pleasent feeling at all

24-07-11, 21:30
Em-ma I'm a little worried about u Witt your anxiety as s friend what are the doctors doing?

25-07-11, 17:19
Hiya. well today i have a terrible throat and i can feel snot in my nose- think i have a cold but worried that its goong to affect my sinuses

25-07-11, 18:03
also since having anxiety ive had more colds than in all my teen years- im 17 now had anxiety since aged 16 and a half.... and have had a ear/sinus bacteriel infection. ive never needed antio biotics in my life before except i was given them once as a precatioon for something i never had

25-07-11, 20:50
my gums also hurt when being brushed. i do my teeth properly at night but i only do them for a few seconds in the morning as im normally in a rush. im so scared- this cold has freaked me out- im sneezing a lot to- what if its not a cold and its something more- ive had 3 cold this year- ive only had one or two between ages 12-16

25-07-11, 21:29
Em-ma chick u need to see ur doctor u need help for your anxiety x the way u post would say it's sky high xx u will feel drained and catch colds easily cos when ur exhausted etc ur immune system will be weak xxx

25-07-11, 22:00
I get that too..sometimes..and usually happens in the mornings. It's allergies..

25-07-11, 22:02
Em-ma chick u need to see ur doctor u need help for your anxiety x the way u post would say it's sky high xx u will feel drained and catch colds easily cos when ur exhausted etc ur immune system will be weak xxx

I was just about to post that..you seem to make a lot new threads...every time it's something new? Perhaps talking to a physcologist.?

26-07-11, 13:15
Hi. Ive seen my doc many a times and have been reffered to counessling but 4 months later still on the waiting list. im staying in today but again im just worried that will cause a blood clot. arm aching already again- caused by pc. i just feel so weak and tired and this may be tmi but im on my period aswell :(

26-07-11, 15:09
Can we agree that you are not in any danger? I don't think anything that anyone can say on this issue is going to reassure you. You must use your common sense and let it overcome the irrational thoughts.
You get colds a lot when you are stressed. They are just colds. Take some vitimin C if it would make you feel better.

26-07-11, 17:55
thanks, had quite a bit of fruit today to eat. I agree, i just hate when i actually get a virus haha. still terrified now of a blood clot. right arm kills- more when i use a pc but ive been noticing for a while it hurt to use that arm to use my hair dryer. it also tingles in right hand :(

26-07-11, 18:34
also my right hand hurts and on my keyboard it says if u have pain,numbness in typing hands etc see a doctor...

26-07-11, 19:08
i just went to shower thinking it would distract me BUT ive come out and i cant control my breathing and im near tears- when i lifted my right arm it stung like hell and it really hurts

27-07-11, 00:02
it actually hurts like hell to use the arm to even brush my teeth

27-07-11, 00:10
and the wrist hurts to slightly

27-07-11, 10:36
my arm is killing this morning i can barely use it and i have tingles in that hand

paula lynne
27-07-11, 10:58
Emma ask someone to take you to your GP and explain how you feel. You need help now hun. Your Health Anxiety is totally out of control. You are only 17 yes? You have your whole life ahead of you. You CAN beat this, people do everyday. Please see someone asap.x

27-07-11, 15:21
Today i went down to were im meant to be having to counessling to find out about the waiting list... anyway all they said is "we will get back 2 u" which is what they said 4 months ago so i have to go back to my gp again. last time i asked about CBT and she said no to long of a list try online... i did but i just cant get to grip with it online.
Just had a painkiller as i feel rubbish. arm kills. upper legs kill. and my sinuses HURT so badly. i just want to cry from the pain. all around my nose and forehead hurts. i can also feel snot in throat

27-07-11, 15:30
Yes i'm only 17 :)

27-07-11, 16:55
im sitting here just waiting to die. in my mind its not a case of "if" but "when"

27-07-11, 17:11
i cant use one arm and when i walk my things kill to. im in so much pain and i just want to cry. all ive had to eat is breakfast im not even hungry

27-07-11, 17:13
it also hurts slightly on lower right arm when i use it to do anything

27-07-11, 17:50
You are NOT dying Em-ma .Im in far more pain than you believe me .Go and see your Dr when your cold has gone .All this posting isnt doing you anygood .Its just feeding your Anxiety .Thats all that is wrong .We all get aches and pains .and colds and viruses .They PASS ..Get some rest and relaxation and try to stop thinking about your body for one evening ..Im sure you will feel better in a few days .T/c luv Sue x

paula lynne
27-07-11, 17:51
Emma why dont you take a break from the laptop and go and do something you enjoy? Being distracted often helps severe HA. Call a friend and have some fun....

27-07-11, 18:09
Thanks. I know i shouldnt post so much i just feel like i cant rant to anyone else other than here.
Honestly i only have two really good friends and there both away. But in about 30 mins gonna go take a bath and try to relax

27-07-11, 18:11
And i think my cold is passing- i feel much better today- no sneezing no runny nose etc.

27-07-11, 18:54
Emma why dont you take a break from the laptop and go and do something you enjoy? Being distracted often helps severe HA. Call a friend and have some fun....

I agree...I think by posting so much on here it's fueling the fire to your anxiety. I would get out of the house..go for a long walk..find a fun hobby. :)

27-07-11, 19:06
Em.ma, distraction really, really does work.

I have had an excruciating tension headache on and off for days now. Just can't shake it despite painkillers, however when I went away on Friday overnight for my cousins hen do, it miraculously cleared! I was busy, with my family and my cousins mates and it completely took my mind off everything.

The body is an incredible, but frustrating thing, as so much of our 'ailments' are self induced due to being ultra anxious. You wouldn't think it, but it is true.

If you occupy your mind it will help.:hugs:

27-07-11, 19:13
Look into some relaxation exercises too.They helped me loads. You can do it Emma :)

27-07-11, 23:09
Thanks. I want to go out tomorow dunno were though... my right arm kills and my fingers feel funny at the moment. i cant explain it though

27-07-11, 23:12
the hand is also hurting now. im so tired and i cant sleep

27-07-11, 23:24
i dont know whats gotten into me recently. im out of my mind with worry. i was fine for the last few hours now im all tearful

27-07-11, 23:42
i never thought id say this but i want to go to back to college and its only thr 1st week. it helps more than i realise and its a distraction and i know ive done something each day

27-07-11, 23:45
Emma, how long have you got left until you go back to college? Ive told you about the pains in your wrist and arms and hands etc and they are all normal and you are NOT going to die or suffer a clot :) Make an app with the doctor so they can reasssure you :) calm down and relax you are ok x

27-07-11, 23:45
thanks. erm we go back early september.. the 5th i think haha.

27-07-11, 23:52
ive defo pulled the muscle in the arm and that hand feels funny. i desperatly want to go to bed but my head says "no i cant as who will phone 999 for me when it happens"

28-07-11, 10:08
Em.ma, those symptoms sound like either muscular strain or a pinched nerve (which would explain the 'funny feeling' in your hand/pins and needles)

NEITHER of these are life threatening hun.

Clots often start in the legs, not the arms, as blood tends to pool in the extremities, and in the legs the flow has the hardest job to circulate up the body again.

You do not have a clot.xxxx

28-07-11, 11:57
Thanks. I was honesly suprised i was alive this morning. I do get pains in my thighs to when i walk from sitting down to long. but i am going to go out today. I went to town yesterday but i only needed one thing so was there about 5 mins in total.

28-07-11, 12:00
i also can get dead legs upon standing in which i cant walk i remembre a night when it took 15 mins to get blood circulating again..

28-07-11, 12:28
they hurt to walk on and around my feet do to. for example i can kneel for two minutes and they hurt to stand up again. I cant focus, i cant do anything, this is literally taking over my life

28-07-11, 13:27
im gonna go up to london today actually with a friend now ... at least itll be a distraction

29-07-11, 15:05
yesterday in London was hot and baking and the whole day i couldnt stop sweating so i freaked out i was gonna die from sun stroke i felt horrible. Also my sinuses hurt so badly and i broke down infront of my friend- i think now he realises how bad i am. I cant get the thought of a blood clot out my mind. I have pain in thighs whilst walking- what do i do if i find a bruise :(.

29-07-11, 15:06
also on the bus home i heard a women say "the train now approaching platform 1 is the 17:37 southern service to brighton" i know i heard it- it was so clear but how could i of heard it. also in bed that night it felt like i was moving on a train and i could feel it stopping at the station etc...

29-07-11, 15:22
its bad but for the last few years with all this i have not been able to go out as much- and i find if its not for college i dont. I really can not cope

29-07-11, 15:24
ive also lost my appetite again- had one apple yesterday and nothing yet today- im really just not hungry.

29-07-11, 16:02
i also have shorts on today and keep looking to see if my thighs have gone red or bruised. im going to use the wii when dad wakes up and ive been shopping today and walked for 4 hours nearly yesterday but i just cant deal with it. and have chest pain now to

29-07-11, 17:14
EMMA! you need to calm down! There is nothing to worry about, please just calm down. First of all i have all the symptoms your having, i can't walk without being in pain constantly, i can't run because my ankles feel like there going to snap, and i also have chest pain. Ive broken down infront of a friend before. Have you sorted out that councelling yet? Because i do think you really need to speak to someone as your HA seems to be getting much worse. x

29-07-11, 18:22
Thanks. I have a big red patch on chest now... argh and it hurts in certain places on my chest. its also sore to touch the red patch

29-07-11, 18:25
Have you sorted out your councelling yet? Dont worry everything is going to be ok x

paula lynne
29-07-11, 18:46
Emma at this point I am seriously concerned about your calorie intake. You eat hardly anything! I know you said you dont feel hungry, but you need to eat little and often, a biscuit, soup, toast.....you can trick the mind doing this and natural hunger pangs will kick in soon enough.

Food effects they way we feel, in mind and body. You arent going to start feeling better and able to tackle your HA unless you start eating better. You are missing ESSENTIAL vitamins and minerals. Its also DANGEROUS to live on such a restricted calorie intake.

PLEASE start eating properly or be prepared to feel terrible every day. I dont mean to sound harsh, but its time you started to help yourself Emma, because nobody can make you better. YOU have to make YOU better.......

Can we agree that you will start tomorrow even if you dont feel very hungry Emma?
Paula x

29-07-11, 18:50
no you dont sound harsh at all. I agree with you. Im going to have dinner tonight even though i dont feel hungry i will try and eat as much as i can. :)

29-07-11, 18:51
Also this has only been the last couple of days. I remember i was like this for two months at one point were i had another "peak" anxiety time. I havnt been this bad for a long time now. :)

29-07-11, 18:52
Am I harsh by saying..do you make these new posts for attention? Or do you really have HA...sorry don't mean to be harsh..

Book an appt at another doctor! Since the other can't see you soon...

29-07-11, 18:54
No i really have health anxiety. (at the moment its a lot worse for some reason than normal) i have this sometimes when i get this bad.
and its not the doc its the couneseller. :)

29-07-11, 19:41
I think by her posting so much on here it's only making it worse..and that is MY opinion....

29-07-11, 19:47
Thats fine :) We all have our own opinions, but i just think you maybe could have worded your reply abit better? Not to sound so rude and harsh. But we are all entiteled to our own opinion, I know Emma quite well now and i know that if she didn't have this site it would be MUCH worse for her. I think its a good thing that she can get all her worries out on here. :)

29-07-11, 19:51
I did write ''sorry don't mean to be harsh''...

Each to their own...Emma do you have friends you can confide in?

29-07-11, 21:36
Each to there own. Umm i have one friend but before i can confide in him i have to be in tears otherwise they just say "no i dont want to hear about it" I guess they just dont understand it.

01-08-11, 17:19
hi emma,

it's good you post here. i think you need to write all of your symptoms down, and take them with you to your next counselling session. then you can work with your counsellor to see how they all link to anxiety. it sounds like you have some sinus problems, this could be made worse at the moment by hayfever and all the sunshine. being so worried all the time takes away our appetite. just try to eat little and often of whatever you can and whatever is easy for you.
take care, x