View Full Version : visual snow

22-07-11, 17:45
i suffer quite badly with health anxiety and this week just havent been able to shift a tension headache. been to GP and opticians and neither are concerned so im trying to chil out about it. but now im getting visual snow and just feel like i would like to live life with my eyes closed cause they feel so tired and the visual snow is driving me round the bend.
is this anything to worry about? im sure it's worse cause im stressing about it but i just wondered what experience anyone else has had of it? please tell me it's not a sign of a brain tumour. this is what i have diagnosed myself with (obviously). i am having therapy and trying to replace this thought with more rational ones :D xxx

22-07-11, 22:47
Hey hun,

I have had these too. I get cluster headache and they go on for days and then suddenly resolve, but are very painful, like a drill going through the eye.

The visual snow does sound like a migraine hun. I get headaches like this too where the vision in my right eye (for some reason) diminishes and gets blurred, and the pain is like a band around the head.

Migraleve is really good for both tension headaches as well as migraines.

Please don't worry as I am sure that this is stress related and another of the joys of anxiety!

Big hug.:hugs: