View Full Version : Tooth Ache Worries

22-07-11, 18:56
Hi everybody :)

Last night and today I have been experiencing tooth ache from a filling I had back in May, it hasn't really been 'right' since I had it done, but I thought I'd leave it (mainly due to cost!) but the past 24 hours it has been causing me pain.

I'm especially worried, as of course I used Dr Google (Silly thing to do, I know) put in my symptoms of toothache and feeling hot like I've got a temperature, and it came up with Abscess :ohmy: so now I can't get that out of my head. I'm going to call the dentist first thing tomorrow and get an appointment for the next working week, I need to get it checked out.

Has anyone here experienced an Abscess and could you describe the pain? I'd say it's about an uncomfortable, dull ache that comes and goes. I took paracetamol but that didnt do a whole lot. Also are there any other symptoms? I thought I'd ask real people, instead of a website from google which has scared me.

Sorry if the post is rambling.

Many thanks

22-07-11, 19:09
Hi there,

Ive got the same problem as you, i had a filling ages ago but its never ever felt right since and ive been to scared to go back. Ive managed to make myself go back now, but she just reffered me to the hospital orthadontist and im so scared she missed that i have an infection or something, im so worried about this. But you will be ok, insist on having x-rays done. I didn't get them done because she said she didnt have time lol :( hope you feel better soon x

23-07-11, 10:25
I've had a couple of abscesses under teeth........ if you tap the tooth, it is very painful and the gum can be swollen round the base of the tooth....... don't worry....... its all fixable!!

23-07-11, 11:30
I've had several. It's a hot, dull pain that, if left, can become very painful.

Don't worry, the only way it would be truly serious is if you were living a few hundred years ago :D The dentist will sort it out, might be worth blitzing the ache with neuofen until then.

23-07-11, 15:50
I don't imagine an abscess is much fun but keep reminding yourself there is no way that in this day and age it will cause serious problems.

23-07-11, 16:19
I have had abcesses and the pain is horrible, do you get a headache when you get the pain, i used to, i took co-codamol for my pain, it does work, but you might need antibiotics thats what the dentist gave to me. Hope you get better soon. :)

23-07-11, 18:21
so scared i have an absess

23-07-11, 22:45
well if your tooth is sore something is not right, if you tap the tooth with a spoon or something hard and it hurts then you really need to go back to your dentist.
An abscess is cleared up with antibiotics, also ask for pain medication.
Keep using warm salt water.
Which tooth is it?

ok I had an abscess on my top tooth, woke up with a fever, dreadful pain, my gum was swollen sightly, went straight to the doctor for pain meds and antibiotics.
the swelling went down by the next day, my gum looked rather yellow and the abscess popped it's self, then I had to get more dental work and that tooth

it's different for everyone really.

Look if you do have an abscess then you will be given antibiotics which will clear it up, by the sounds of it your really not doing too pain, no extreme pain, fever or swelling : )

an x-ray will show if you have any infection, which again is easily treated.

23-07-11, 22:55
Hi hun I've has so many tooth issues. Get sine ora gel it numbs the pain.

Abcess are very painful and can make you feel shocking. Last year my face swelled up and I was so I'll couldn't get myself and boys dressed cos the pain was so bad, even aftercall that within a day the antibiotics took effect.

Don't worry if it is but go to dentist if u in uk the ring emergency dentist they should give u antibiotics without paying for their services just for prescription. Well that's happened to me s few times. Xxx