View Full Version : Itching with no rash

22-07-11, 20:18
Hello all. I usually lurk, come here for advice, and don't post much as I usually don't have a whole lot to say. I wanted to start this topic to ask advice on managing this symptom.

My 24 year old brother passed away from an overdose (heart attack as a result) in December of '09. We were both back with our parents at the time and it was absolutely devastating and unexpected as you might imagine. And while I had panic attacks when I was in my late teens, up until this point I had done very well managing anxiety symptoms and hadn't had a major attack in almost a decade.

After my brother passed, my symptoms came back full force with panic attacks, heart palps, and a decent bout with depression. For the most part the panic attacks have subsided (with therapy and Ativan .5 mg as needed which I haven't had to take in a couple months) and the depression has gotten much better.

But with a change in position at work and the added stress that has come with that (I work in education) I've developed a new symptom, itching all over without a rash. It comes and goes and at first I thought I had an allergic reaction to something. I've had multiple allergy tests and bloodwork done to no avail (I have a mild allergy to thimerosal, but have had no contact with it). My dermatologist and family physician both say it's anxiety based. And it's no coincidence that my symptoms flare up around times of stress (most recently, the start of the new school year at work).

I'm just curious is anyone else has had this kind of anxiety symptom and if so, what do you do to manage it specifically? I've become pretty good at not scratching the itch to prevent tearing up my skin but it's tough to "ignore".
