View Full Version : heres a few more poems

02-05-06, 23:57
well i bet you are getting sick and tired of reading all these poems that i keep doing but hey this is one of my many ways of coping

Things always fall to pieces
and im not sure what to do
I don't want to lose you
you've been to good to me

I know you're there for me
i just can't help feeling
like you'll give up on me
someday, sometime
You just won't be able to deal
with this bull crap
that i like to call life

Because i can't help it
not right now
but just stay a while
i know it could wirk
we could do this together
and thing could change
life will get better for me
amd i'll be there for you

And maybe one day
you'll see what i mean
i'll stop prentending
and i'll show you
who i really am inside
ad then you'll see
maybe, just maybe
i will beable to cope with
this so called life and what it throws at me

well i just cant stop doing poems as they all just come flooding out of me and i sometimes get very overwhelmed by it...

Anything but me

tear out my heart
my eyes
and my memory
leave me to dwell on my misery
i'll never be strong enough
to be the one thing i want to be
anything but me!

well anyway you know me ill be back soon with some more poems pretty soon

Hugs and kisses for all


03-05-06, 09:56
Hi Kym

You keep the poems rolling hun.

Its good to let things out this way.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

03-05-06, 11:16
i agree with alexandra kym keep them coming and yu know where i am if you need to talk bellxx

10-05-06, 02:50

Lovely, you are so talented.


15-05-06, 18:17
Well done with your poems Kym. They are brilliant! You should join a course or something so more people can recognise your talent.

x x